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#14176 Log Misses The Target
By: rayoflight89
Series: Plate
A woman takes a piss onto a paper plate, but her long, smooth turd misses its mark and lands on the floor in front of the plate. Vertical format video. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A woman takes a piss onto a paper plate, but her long, smooth turd misses its mark and lands on the floor in front of the plate. Vertical format video. Over a minute.
#14177 Ebony BTL
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls
A black girl records herself sitting on a toilet and taking a shit and piss from a between the legs perspective in 3 different scenes. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
7A black girl records herself sitting on a toilet and taking a shit and piss from a between the legs perspective in 3 different scenes. Over a minute.
#15749 Cute Sabrina 5 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Cute Sabrina
Sabrina records herself from a between the legs perspective taking an absolutely monsterous, long shit followed by some pissing while sitting on a toilet. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
7Sabrina records herself from a between the legs perspective taking an absolutely monsterous, long shit followed by some pissing while sitting on a toilet. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.
#15750 Cute Sabrina 6 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Cute Sabrina
Sabrina records herself from a between the legs perspective taking an absolutely monsterous, long shit followed by some pissing while sitting on a toilet. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 4.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
8Sabrina records herself from a between the legs perspective taking an absolutely monsterous, long shit followed by some pissing while sitting on a toilet. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 4.5 minutes.
#15751 Cute Sabrina 7 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Cute Sabrina
A cute girl takes her morning poop while telling us about her planned activities for the day and about the last vacation she came back from. Plops are heard throughout her talk. Some pissing. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
7A cute girl takes her morning poop while telling us about her planned activities for the day and about the last vacation she came back from. Plops are heard throughout her talk. Some pissing. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.
#15752 Cute Sabrina 8 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Cute Sabrina
A cute girl speaks to the camera while providing us a between the legs perspective of her taking a hard, chunky shit with some pissing. This is one of the rare constipation scenes from Sabrina. 720P vertical HD format. 106MB, MP4 file. Over 6 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
8A cute girl speaks to the camera while providing us a between the legs perspective of her taking a hard, chunky shit with some pissing. This is one of the rare constipation scenes from Sabrina. 720P vertical HD format. 106MB, MP4 file. Over 6 minutes.
#15851 Ebony Stinking Heap (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls
A black girl sits on the edge of a toilet and shits onto the bathroom floor while occasionally looking back at the camera. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A black girl sits on the edge of a toilet and shits onto the bathroom floor while occasionally looking back at the camera. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.
#15852 Marley Backwards Toilet (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls (Marley)
A black girl sits backwards on a toilet while taking a soft shit. Product is shown in the toilet bowl at the end of the clip. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7A black girl sits backwards on a toilet while taking a soft shit. Product is shown in the toilet bowl at the end of the clip. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
#15853 Watch JM Poop 1 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls
A black girl takes a shit while squatting over a toilet in 4 different scenes. Unfortunately, there is a large, annoying watermark on the screen, but it does not obscure any poop action. Presented in 720P HD. About 5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
8A black girl takes a shit while squatting over a toilet in 4 different scenes. Unfortunately, there is a large, annoying watermark on the screen, but it does not obscure any poop action. Presented in 720P HD. About 5 minutes.
#15854 Watch JM Poop 2 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls
An attractive, back girl takes a firm shit while squatting over a toilet. She wipes her ass while standing. Unfortunately, there is a large, annoying watermark on the screen, but it does not obscure any poop action. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
7An attractive, back girl takes a firm shit while squatting over a toilet. She wipes her ass while standing. Unfortunately, there is a large, annoying watermark on the screen, but it does not obscure any poop action. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.
#15855 Watch JM Poop 3 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls
A black girl takes a shit while hovering over a toilet. Poop action can be seen from the rear. Unfortunately, there is a large, annoying watermark on the screen, but it does not obscure any poop action. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A black girl takes a shit while hovering over a toilet. Poop action can be seen from the rear. Unfortunately, there is a large, annoying watermark on the screen, but it does not obscure any poop action. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.
#15914 3 Logs BTL (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Between The Legs
A girl records herself from a between the legs POV as she takes a shit into a toilet that comes out in 3 distinct pieces. Presented in 720P HD. Over half a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A girl records herself from a between the legs POV as she takes a shit into a toilet that comes out in 3 distinct pieces. Presented in 720P HD. Over half a minute.
#15915 Plump Girl BTL (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl is seen sitting on a toilet unpacking a camera tripod. The scene shits to a between the legs perspective of the same girl shitting into a toilet. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 5.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
7A plump girl is seen sitting on a toilet unpacking a camera tripod. The scene shits to a between the legs perspective of the same girl shitting into a toilet. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 5.5 minutes.
#15916 Cute Sabrina 10 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Cute Sabrina
A cute girl tells us about her upcoming road trip as she takes a shit while sitting on a toilet. Some plops and pissing is heard as well as ideas for her next videos. She wipes her ass and shows us her dirty TP. 720P vertical HD format. Over 3 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
7A cute girl tells us about her upcoming road trip as she takes a shit while sitting on a toilet. Some plops and pissing is heard as well as ideas for her next videos. She wipes her ass and shows us her dirty TP. 720P vertical HD format. Over 3 minutes.
#15917 Cute Sabrina 11 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Cute Sabrina
Sabrina is on her road trip and records herself shitting and pissing into a hotel toilet. Poop action is seen from underneath her ass. Her boyfriend brings her a drink that she enjoys on the spot. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (5) 
8Sabrina is on her road trip and records herself shitting and pissing into a hotel toilet. Poop action is seen from underneath her ass. Her boyfriend brings her a drink that she enjoys on the spot. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2 minutes.
#16168 Fatty Fart (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Farting Only
A plump woman spreads her ass cheeks while standing and cuts a long, tight, squeaky fart. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
2A plump woman spreads her ass cheeks while standing and cuts a long, tight, squeaky fart. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over a minute.
#16169 See My Peeker (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls
A black girl tells us how bad she has to poop, takes off her clothes and shows us a turd peeking out of her ass. Video contains many defects and ends before we get to see the real action. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
1A black girl tells us how bad she has to poop, takes off her clothes and shows us a turd peeking out of her ass. Video contains many defects and ends before we get to see the real action. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.
#16170 Mz. Jiggly (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls
A plump girl records herself shitting into a toilet in 2 scenes and farts in 2 more scenes. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 162MB, MP4 file. Over 7 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
7A plump girl records herself shitting into a toilet in 2 scenes and farts in 2 more scenes. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 162MB, MP4 file. Over 7 minutes.
#16518 Plump Girl Pee (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl records herself taking a piss while sitting on a toilet in a public restroom. Peeing only. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
2A plump girl records herself taking a piss while sitting on a toilet in a public restroom. Peeing only. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 1.5 minutes.
#16519 Plump Girl BTL Pee (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl records herself pissing while sitting on a toilet from a between the legs, POV perspective. Some farts are heard as well. Peeing only. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
2A plump girl records herself pissing while sitting on a toilet from a between the legs, POV perspective. Some farts are heard as well. Peeing only. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.
#16520 Plump Girl Dark (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
This is an incomplete, somewhat dark video that shows a plump girl wiping herself after taking a shit, but the pooping scene was missed. Product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over half a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
0This is an incomplete, somewhat dark video that shows a plump girl wiping herself after taking a shit, but the pooping scene was missed. Product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over half a minute.
#16521 Plump Girl BTL 2 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl is tired and hung over. She records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting into a toilet. Product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A plump girl is tired and hung over. She records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting into a toilet. Product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.
#16522 Plump Girl BTL 3 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl records herself from a between the legs perspective while taking her morning shit sitting on a toilet. She wipes herself, and the product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7A plump girl records herself from a between the legs perspective while taking her morning shit sitting on a toilet. She wipes herself, and the product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2 minutes.
#16523 Plump Girl BTL 4 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl tells us that she is constipated and describes the food she ate that day. She proceeds to record herself shitting into a toilet from a between the legs, POV perspective. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Exactly 1 minute.

Viewer Comments (1) 
4A plump girl tells us that she is constipated and describes the food she ate that day. She proceeds to record herself shitting into a toilet from a between the legs, POV perspective. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Exactly 1 minute.
#16524 Plump Girl BTL 5 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl farts, tells us she is about to poop, and then records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting into a toilet. Poop action is visible, but a little dark. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A plump girl farts, tells us she is about to poop, and then records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting into a toilet. Poop action is visible, but a little dark. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.
#16525 Plump Girl BTL 6 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl farts, speaks to the camera, and then records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting into a toilet. Poop action is visible, but a little dark. Product is shown being flushed away. 720P HD. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A plump girl farts, speaks to the camera, and then records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting into a toilet. Poop action is visible, but a little dark. Product is shown being flushed away. 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
#16526 Plump Girl BTL 7 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl sits down on a toilet, pisses, then records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting. Product is shown in the toilet, then flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A plump girl sits down on a toilet, pisses, then records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting. Product is shown in the toilet, then flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over a minute.
#16527 Plump Girl BTL 8 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl records herself taking a small chunky shit in one scene, and a soft, gassy shit in a second scene. Poop action is shown from a between the legs perspective. Poop is shown being flushed away. 720P vertical HD format. Over 2.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7A plump girl records herself taking a small chunky shit in one scene, and a soft, gassy shit in a second scene. Poop action is shown from a between the legs perspective. Poop is shown being flushed away. 720P vertical HD format. Over 2.5 minutes.
#16528 Plump Girl BTL 9 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump records herself taking a firm shit into a toilet from a between the legs perspective. Presented in 720P HD. Over half a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A plump records herself taking a firm shit into a toilet from a between the legs perspective. Presented in 720P HD. Over half a minute.
#16529 Plump Girl BTL 10 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl sits down on a toilet, pisses, and records herself taking a soft, gassy shit into a toilet that appears to be the same scene from movie 16527. Product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A plump girl sits down on a toilet, pisses, and records herself taking a soft, gassy shit into a toilet that appears to be the same scene from movie 16527. Product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.
#16530 Plump Girl BTL 11 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen)
A plump girl records herself pissing while sitting on a toilet in several scenes, some from between the legs perspective. There are a couple of BTL poop scenes, although one is repeated from a previous clip. Some farting. 720P HD. Over 4 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
7A plump girl records herself pissing while sitting on a toilet in several scenes, some from between the legs perspective. There are a couple of BTL poop scenes, although one is repeated from a previous clip. Some farting. 720P HD. Over 4 minutes.
#16778 Awesome Selfie Girl 1
By: rayoflight89
Series: Toilet Shitting
A very pretty girl records herself shitting into a toilet from a rear, under ass perspective. Nice sounds and visuals. 3 scenes. Some pissing. Action-packed video clip for only over a minute.

Viewer Comments (7) 
8A very pretty girl records herself shitting into a toilet from a rear, under ass perspective. Nice sounds and visuals. 3 scenes. Some pissing. Action-packed video clip for only over a minute.
#16779 Awesome Selfie Girl 2
By: rayoflight89
Series: Toilet Shitting
A very pretty girl records herself shitting into a toilet from a rear, under ass perspective. Nice sounds and visuals with 4 scenes. Action-packed video clip for only over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (10) 
8A very pretty girl records herself shitting into a toilet from a rear, under ass perspective. Nice sounds and visuals with 4 scenes. Action-packed video clip for only over 2 minutes.
#16780 Awesome Selfie Girl 3
By: rayoflight89
Series: Toilet Shitting
A very pretty girl records herself shitting into a toilet from a rear, under ass perspective. Nice sounds and visuals with 3 scenes. Action-packed video clip for only about a minute.

Viewer Comments (7) 
8A very pretty girl records herself shitting into a toilet from a rear, under ass perspective. Nice sounds and visuals with 3 scenes. Action-packed video clip for only about a minute.
#16796 Amber Lee 1 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Amber Lee
A plump girl sits on a toilet, announces that it is "going to be a good one", farts, pisses, and takes a shit with visible poop action from the rear and loud plops. She wipes and shows us her dirty TP. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (6) 
8A plump girl sits on a toilet, announces that it is "going to be a good one", farts, pisses, and takes a shit with visible poop action from the rear and loud plops. She wipes and shows us her dirty TP. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2 minutes.
#16797 Amber Lee 2 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Amber Lee
A girl is recorded taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. Audible plops with some grunting. Product is not shown, but some poop can be seen on the TP when she wipes. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
7A girl is recorded taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. Audible plops with some grunting. Product is not shown, but some poop can be seen on the TP when she wipes. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2 minutes.
#16798 Amber Lee 3 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Amber Lee
A plump girl sits on a toilet, farts repeatedly, pisses, then shits with a couple of loud plops. She wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP and finally the product in the toilet bowl. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 2.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
8A plump girl sits on a toilet, farts repeatedly, pisses, then shits with a couple of loud plops. She wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP and finally the product in the toilet bowl. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 2.5 minutes.
#16799 Amber Lee 4 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Amber Lee
A plump girl takes a piss in a public restroom. Pissing is audible, but loud music plays in the background. Peeing only. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
2A plump girl takes a piss in a public restroom. Pissing is audible, but loud music plays in the background. Peeing only. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 1.5 minutes.
#16800 Amber Lee 5
By: rayoflight89
Series: Amber Lee
A girl takes a piss while sitting on a toilet in one scene and shits in a second scene. Farting and plops are heard. She wipes her ass and shows us her dirty TP. Vertical format video. Exactly 4 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
8A girl takes a piss while sitting on a toilet in one scene and shits in a second scene. Farting and plops are heard. She wipes her ass and shows us her dirty TP. Vertical format video. Exactly 4 minutes.
#16801 Amber Lee 6 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Amber Lee
A plump girl tells us she has been constipated. She pisses, grunts and pushes, then finally shits with a couple of audible plops. She provides us with a quick glimpse of what came out. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 6 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
8A plump girl tells us she has been constipated. She pisses, grunts and pushes, then finally shits with a couple of audible plops. She provides us with a quick glimpse of what came out. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 6 minutes.
#16802 Amber Lee 7 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Amber Lee
A plump girl tells us she just woke up, sits on a toilet, farts, pisses, then leans forward to give us a nice rear view of a firm turd dropping out of her ass with a loud splash. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
10A plump girl tells us she just woke up, sits on a toilet, farts, pisses, then leans forward to give us a nice rear view of a firm turd dropping out of her ass with a loud splash. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4.5 minutes.
#16803 Amber Lee 8 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Amber Lee
A plump girl records herself using a toilet in multiple scenes. There are 13 exclusive pissing scenes and 5 shitting scenes. Nice plops are heard in the pooping scenes. Some farting, too. Presented in 720P HD. 526MB, MP4 file. Over 38 minutes.

Viewer Comments (4) 
20A plump girl records herself using a toilet in multiple scenes. There are 13 exclusive pissing scenes and 5 shitting scenes. Nice plops are heard in the pooping scenes. Some farting, too. Presented in 720P HD. 526MB, MP4 file. Over 38 minutes.
#17549 Forward Stinking 1
By: rayoflight89
Series: Babushka
A woman wearing glasses records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet in 4 scenes. Nice, noisy, soft shitting sounds with funny comments and great facial expressions. About 2.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
8A woman wearing glasses records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet in 4 scenes. Nice, noisy, soft shitting sounds with funny comments and great facial expressions. About 2.5 minutes.
#17550 Forward Stinking 2
By: rayoflight89
Series: Babushka
A woman wearing glasses records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet in 4 scenes. Nice, noisy, soft shitting sounds with funny comments and great facial expressions. About 4 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
8A woman wearing glasses records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet in 4 scenes. Nice, noisy, soft shitting sounds with funny comments and great facial expressions. About 4 minutes.
#17551 With A Book
By: rayoflight89
Series: Babushka
A woman wearing glasses and reading a book records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet in 2 scenes. Nice, noisy, soft shitting sounds with funny comments and great facial expressions. Over 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7A woman wearing glasses and reading a book records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet in 2 scenes. Nice, noisy, soft shitting sounds with funny comments and great facial expressions. Over 1.5 minutes.
#17552 From The Corner
By: rayoflight89
Series: Babushka
A woman wearing glasses records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet in 2 scenes. Nice, noisy, soft shitting sounds with funny comments and great facial expressions. Some pissing, too. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
8A woman wearing glasses records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet in 2 scenes. Nice, noisy, soft shitting sounds with funny comments and great facial expressions. Some pissing, too. About 2 minutes.
#17643 Plumpy 1 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls
A plump, naked woman records herself shitting onto a plastic sheet on the floor in a doggy-style position. She lifts up the plastic sheet to show us her product. Somewhat grainy video. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
5A plump, naked woman records herself shitting onto a plastic sheet on the floor in a doggy-style position. She lifts up the plastic sheet to show us her product. Somewhat grainy video. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.
#17644 Plumpy 2 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls
A plump, naked woman records herself shitting onto a plastic sheet on the floor in a doggy-style position. She shows off her dirty ass when finished. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Exactly 3.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
5A plump, naked woman records herself shitting onto a plastic sheet on the floor in a doggy-style position. She shows off her dirty ass when finished. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Exactly 3.5 minutes.
#17863 Madame Du B (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Madame Du B (Fat Girls)
A cute, fat girl with red hair and wearing glasses takes a shit and a piss while sitting on a toilet. Nice pooping sounds in this natural clip. Presented in 720P HD. 248MB, MP4 file. Exactly 5.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
8A cute, fat girl with red hair and wearing glasses takes a shit and a piss while sitting on a toilet. Nice pooping sounds in this natural clip. Presented in 720P HD. 248MB, MP4 file.  Exactly 5.5 minutes.
#17864 Glamor Girl Shits (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Beautiful Girls
A beautiful brunette, Australian woman speaks to the camera, then takes a shit while sitting backwards on a toilet. Nice, long, smooth turd with some menstrual fluid. She wipes and shows us her dirty TP. 720P HD. 158MB, MP4 file. Over 7.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
10A beautiful brunette, Australian woman speaks to the camera, then takes a shit while sitting backwards on a toilet. Nice, long, smooth turd with some menstrual fluid. She wipes and shows us her dirty TP.  720P HD. 158MB, MP4 file. Over 7.5 minutes.
#17865 Kacey 3 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Kacey
A plump, British girl with blonde hair speaks dirty for the camera, then takes a shit and piss into a toilet. Poop action is shown from a nice rear perspective. She resumes speaking in her bedroom when done. 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
8A plump, British girl with blonde hair speaks dirty for the camera, then takes a shit and piss into a toilet. Poop action is shown from a nice rear perspective. She resumes speaking in her bedroom when done. 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.
#17866 Ruby Sinclaire (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls
A cute fat girl with red hair records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. Pleasant, subtle pooping sounds, and she tells us how good it feels to relieve herself. Nice, natural clip! Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
8A cute fat girl with red hair records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. Pleasant, subtle pooping sounds, and she tells us how good it feels to relieve herself. Nice, natural clip! Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.
#17867 Messy Spanish Girl (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Floor
A plump, Hispanic girl takes a massive shit while squatting on the floor. She shows us the details of her poop on the floor when finished. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
8A plump, Hispanic girl takes a massive shit while squatting on the floor. She shows us the details of her poop on the floor when finished. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 1.5 minutes.
#17868 Niina Voyeur (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls
A black woman is recorded taking a shit while sitting on a toilet in voyeuristic style. She wipes her ass, and poop is visible on her TP. Presented in 720P HD. About 4.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
8A black woman is recorded taking a shit while sitting on a toilet in voyeuristic style. She wipes her ass, and poop is visible on her TP. Presented in 720P HD. About 4.5 minutes.
#17869 Sexy Black Girl (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls
In this action-packed video, a very pretty black girl records herself shitting into a toilet in 11 scenes with some long, impressive turds. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Exactly 5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
18In this action-packed video, a very pretty black girl records herself shitting into a toilet in 11 scenes with some long, impressive turds. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Exactly 5 minutes.
#17870 Sexy Fro Girl (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls (Cecilia Lion)
A pretty black girl with an afro shits for the camera in 3 different scenes from a close & nasty perspective. Hard, chunky shits with gaping asshole shots. Presented in 720P HD. 133MB, MP4 file. About 8 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
12A pretty black girl with an afro shits for the camera in 3 different scenes from a close & nasty perspective. Hard, chunky shits with gaping asshole shots. Presented in 720P HD. 133MB, MP4 file. About 8 minutes.
#17871 Pots Of Brown 3 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Voyeur
A daring cameraman risks everything to record 5 unsuspecting women shitting in a public restroom toilet from an adjoining stall. Product reveal in 4 of the scenes. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 259MB, MP4 file. Over 13.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
16A daring cameraman risks everything to record 5 unsuspecting women shitting in a public restroom toilet from an adjoining stall. Product reveal in 4 of the scenes. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 259MB, MP4 file. Over 13.5 minutes.
#17872 Pots Of Brown 4 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Voyeur
A daring cameraman risks everything to record 4 unsuspecting women shitting in a public restroom toilet from an adjoining stall. Product reveal in 3 of the scenes. Some pissing. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 140MB, MP4 file. Over 7.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
10A daring cameraman risks everything to record 4 unsuspecting women shitting in a public restroom toilet from an adjoining stall. Product reveal in 3 of the scenes. Some pissing. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 140MB, MP4 file. Over 7.5 minutes.
#17873 Pots Of Brown 5 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Voyeur
A daring cameraman risks everything to record at least 4 unsuspecting women shitting in a public restroom toilet from an adjoining stall. Product reveal in 3 of the scenes. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 136MB, MP4 file. Over 8 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
10A daring cameraman risks everything to record at least 4 unsuspecting women shitting in a public restroom toilet from an adjoining stall. Product reveal in 3 of the scenes. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 136MB, MP4 file. Over 8 minutes.
#17874 Chloe - October 22 Potty (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Chloe
In voyeuristic style, a woman sits down on a toilet and immediately takes a soft-sounding explosive dump with follow-up loud farts and pissing. Audio is not great. Slower frame rate video. Poop in the bowl has been censored out. 720P HD. About 10 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
4In voyeuristic style, a woman sits down on a toilet and immediately takes a soft-sounding explosive dump with follow-up loud farts and pissing. Audio is not great. Slower frame rate video. Poop in the bowl has been censored out. 720P HD. About 10 minutes.
#17875 Sidney 1
By: rayoflight89
Series: Sidney (Fat Girls)
After a big dinner, a plump girl is recorded by her girlfriend as she pisses, farts and shits while sitting on a toilet. Subtle pooping sounds and plops as she describes the size. The camera girl farts as well. Over 9 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
10After a big dinner, a plump girl is recorded by her girlfriend as she pisses, farts and shits while sitting on a toilet. Subtle pooping sounds and plops as she describes the size. The camera girl farts as well. Over 9 minutes.
#17876 Sidney 2 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Sidney (Fat Girls)
A plump girl is recorded as she farts, pisses and shits while sitting on a toilet. Interesting facial expressions with subtle crackling and pooping sounds as she describes the size. Presented in 720P HD. Over 4 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
8A plump girl is recorded as she farts, pisses and shits while sitting on a toilet. Interesting facial expressions with subtle crackling and pooping sounds as she describes the size. Presented in 720P HD. Over 4 minutes.
#17877 Ivy BBW (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Ivy (Fat Girls)
A fat blonde girl speaks to the camera while smoking a cigarette. She grunts while trying to shit and takes a piss, but no pooping sounds are heard. It is safe to speculate that this video is peeing only. Presented in 720P HD. Over 7.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
6A fat blonde girl speaks to the camera while smoking a cigarette. She grunts while trying to shit and takes a piss, but no pooping sounds are heard. It is safe to speculate that this video is peeing only. Presented in 720P HD. Over 7.5 minutes.
#17878 Elongated Heavy Load (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Dirty Girls
A mature woman takes a soft shit while bending over in front of a toilet. Poop action is clearly seen. She wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP and product in the toilet bowl. Presented in 720P HD. Over 7 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
10A mature woman takes a soft shit while bending over in front of a toilet. Poop action is clearly seen. She wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP and product in the toilet bowl. Presented in 720P HD. Over 7 minutes.
#17879 Lexila Flare
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls
A big, black woman takes a semi-soft shit onto a stool while spreading her ass cheeks. She sits down on her poop and flattens it. She stands back up to show off her filthy ass. Vertical format video. About 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A big, black woman takes a semi-soft shit onto a stool while spreading her ass cheeks. She sits down on her poop and flattens it. She stands back up to show off her filthy ass. Vertical format video. About 1.5 minutes.
#17880 Im At Home
By: rayoflight89
Series: Toilet Shitting
A plump woman records herself bending over in front of a toilet while taking a shit. She wipes her ass and shows us her product in the toilet bowl. Vertical format video. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
8A plump woman records herself bending over in front of a toilet while taking a shit. She wipes her ass and shows us her product in the toilet bowl. Vertical format video. About 2 minutes.
#17881 Im At Work
By: rayoflight89
Series: Toilet Shitting
A woman discreetly records herself taking a shit at work while bending over in front of a toilet. She wipes her ass and shows us the product in the toilet bowl. Vertical format video. About 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
8A woman discreetly records herself taking a shit at work while bending over in front of a toilet. She wipes her ass and shows us the product in the toilet bowl. Vertical format video. About 1.5 minutes.
#17882 Carport Shit
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls
A fat, mature woman speaks to the camera and discreetly records herself taking a shit and piss on the concrete floor of her apartment carport. Product reveal at the end of the clip before she wipes. Vertical format video. Over 3 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
6A fat, mature woman speaks to the camera and discreetly records herself taking a shit and piss on the concrete floor of her apartment carport. Product reveal at the end of the clip before she wipes. Vertical format video. Over 3 minutes.
#17936 Rayy Stoes (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Floor
A woman takes a massive, semi-soft shit on the floor while spreading an ass cheek. Presented in 720P HD. About half a minute.

Viewer Comments (2) 
4A woman takes a massive, semi-soft shit on the floor while spreading an ass cheek. Presented in 720P HD. About half a minute.
#17937 Cola Shit (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Floor
A girl wearing a Coca-Cola shit takes a semi-soft shit squatting on the floor. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over half a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A girl wearing a Coca-Cola shit takes a semi-soft shit squatting on the floor. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over half a minute.
#17938 Late Night Bendover
By: rayoflight89
Series: Fat Girls
A fat, mature woman takes a semi-soft shit and a piss onto the concrete ground in a parking lot at night. Product reveal at the end of clip. See movie 17882 for more. Vertical format video. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
6A fat, mature woman takes a semi-soft shit and a piss onto the concrete ground in a parking lot at night. Product reveal at the end of clip. See movie 17882 for more. Vertical format video. About 2 minutes.
#17939 Jane Jupiter
By: rayoflight89
Series: Toilet Shitting
A plump girl with big boobs records herself shitting into a toilet from a rear, close & nasty perspective. Vertical format video. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (1) 
6A plump girl with big boobs records herself shitting into a toilet from a rear, close & nasty perspective. Vertical format video. Over a minute.
#17940 Galactic
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls
A black girl with a nice body takes a shit on the floor and into a toilet in 3 different scenes. Nice, between the legs perspective included. Vertical format video. About 4.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
8A black girl with a nice body takes a shit on the floor and into a toilet in 3 different scenes. Nice, between the legs perspective included. Vertical format video. About 4.5 minutes.
#17964 Ellie Idol Farts 1 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Ellie Idol
A pretty brunette girl farts for the camera in about 30 scenes. Farting only. Presented in 720P HD. Over 5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (4) 
8A pretty brunette girl farts for the camera in about 30 scenes. Farting only. Presented in 720P HD. Over 5 minutes.
#17965 16 Minutes Of Farts
By: rayoflight89
Series: Bunny Ratchet
A girl with a great body records herself farting in at least 140 scenes. Many different outfits and positions. Unfortunately, she does not show her face. Farting only. Vertical format video. 124MB, MP4 file. Exactly 16 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
10A girl with a great body records herself farting in at least 140 scenes. Many different outfits and positions. Unfortunately, she does not show her face. Farting only. Vertical format video. 124MB, MP4 file. Exactly 16 minutes.
#17966 Eat My Farts
By: rayoflight89
Series: Butterfly4U
A pretty brunette woman farts repeatedly for the camera while sitting on a toilet and spreading her ass cheeks. Farting only. About 11 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
8A pretty brunette woman farts repeatedly for the camera while sitting on a toilet and spreading her ass cheeks. Farting only. About 11 minutes.
#17967 Lissa Aires
By: rayoflight89
Series: Toilet Shitting
An Hispanic woman with big boobs and big lips takes a shit into a toilet. The first wave is from a rear view, then she turns around for a second wave of poop from a frontal view. Vertical format video. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4An Hispanic woman with big boobs and big lips takes a shit into a toilet. The first wave is from a rear view, then she turns around for a second wave of poop from a frontal view. Vertical format video. Over a minute.
#18153 Tag
By: rayoflight89
Series: Between The Legs
A woman is recorded from a between the legs perspective as she takes a lengthy, smooth shit into a toilet. Vertical format video. Very brief clip.

Viewer Comments (0)
2A woman is recorded from a between the legs perspective as she takes a lengthy, smooth shit into a toilet. Vertical format video. Very brief clip.
#18154 Long One
By: rayoflight89
Series: Toilet Shitting
A plump girl wearing glasses records herself shitting while sitting on a toilet. No action is seen, but pooping is audible, and impressive product is shown in the bowl when finished. Vertical format video. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
2A plump girl wearing glasses records herself shitting while sitting on a toilet. No action is seen, but pooping is audible, and impressive product is shown in the bowl when finished. Vertical format video. About a minute.
#18155 Tongue Out Poop 4
By: rayoflight89
Series: Toilet Shitting
In 3 scenes, a girl sticks her tongue out while recording herself shitting and sitting on a toilet. Product is visible behind her ass from a selfie perspective. Vertical format video. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (1) 
6In 3 scenes, a girl sticks her tongue out while recording herself shitting and sitting on a toilet. Product is visible behind her ass from a selfie perspective. Vertical format video. About a minute.
#18156 Curvy Ebony Bendover Dump (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Black Girls
A curvy black woman bends over in front of a toilet while shitting. She wipes her ass and shows us the product in the toilet when done. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
8A curvy black woman bends over in front of a toilet while shitting. She wipes her ass and shows us the product in the toilet when done. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4.5 minutes.
#18280 Pots Of Brown 6 (HD)
By: rayoflight89
Series: Voyeur
A daring cameraman records at least 4 unsuspecting women shitting in a public restroom toilet from an adjoining stall. Some girls have already finished pooping and are wiping their asses. Product visible. Vertical format video. 221MB. Over 13.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
14A daring cameraman records at least 4 unsuspecting women shitting in a public restroom toilet from an adjoining stall. Some girls have already finished pooping and are wiping their asses. Product visible. Vertical format video. 221MB. Over 13.5 minutes.
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