Title | Description | Cost | Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 |
#19307 Over The Toilet 3 (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: Runner Girl | A mature girl wearing a business skirt takes a shit and piss into a toilet while being over in front of it. She turns around to reveal only her torso and cleavage. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 6 |  |  |  |  |
#19306 Runner Girl Close & Nasty (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: Runner Girl | A woman has a lengthy, tight-sounding fart, then proceeds to take a firm shit only inches away from the camera lens. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 6 |  |  |  |  |
#17244 Hairy Girl (HD) By: slimshady7 Series: Runner Girl | A woman with a hairy pussy shits in 3 scenes with some pissing. Vertical HD format video. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#15304 Massive Condom Fill (HD) By: zloy Series: Runner Girl | A mature woman takes a break from her morning jog to shit into a condom and effectively fill it to capacity. 720P vertical HD format. About 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#15152 Over The Toilet 2 (HD) By: zloy Series: Runner Girl | A mature girl takes a massive, long shit into a toilet, turns around for a frontal perspective, and shits some more while stimulating herself. See movies 9391, 10230 & 14878 for similar toilet scenes. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 4.5 minutes
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#14891 Two Potty Chair Scenes (HD) By: Mactown87 Series: Runner Girl | A mature, slender woman takes a shit while sitting on a potty chair in 2 scenes. Some pissing as well in the second scene. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 8 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#14880 Runner Girl Public Restroom Collection (HD) By: Mactown87 Series: Runner Girl | A slender, mature woman takes a shit on the floor in a public restroom in 10 scenes. Some bowel movements appear to be suppository-induced. Some pissing, too. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 660MB, MP4 file. Exactly 35 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 33 |  |  |  |  |
#14879 Runner Girl Home Collection (HD) By: Mactown87 Series: Runner Girl | A slender, mature woman takes a shit on the floor at home in 10 scenes. Some bowel movements appear to be suppository-induced. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 433MB, MP4 file. Over 24 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 26 |  |  |  |  |
#14878 Runner Girl Over Toilet Collection (HD) By: Mactown87 Series: Runner Girl | A slender, mature woman takes a shit while bending over a toilet in 8 scenes. Some pissing. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 322MB, MP4 file. About 23 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 22 |  |  |  |  |
#14877 Runner Girl Bathtub Collection (HD) By: Mactown87 Series: Runner Girl | A slender, mature woman takes a shit while sitting on the edge of a bath tub in 4 scenes. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 164MB, MP4 file. Over 13.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 15 |  |  |  |  |
#14845 Runner Girl Outdoor Collection (HD) By: Mactown87 Series: Runner Girl | A slender, mature woman shits in various outdoor locations while out on her daily jogs in 11 different scenes. Some pissing. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 621MB, MP4 file. Exactly 34.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 33 |  |  |  |  |
#14815 Runner Girl Potty Chair Collection (HD) By: Mactown87 Series: Runner Girl | A slender, mature woman takes a shit while sitting on a potty chair in 16 different scenes. Many of the long, thick poops appear to be suppository-induced. Some pissing. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 704MB, MP4 file. About 57 minutes.
Viewer Comments (6)     | 55 |  |  |  |  |
#14125 Megadump In Muffin Box (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Runner Girl | A mature lady takes a massive, heaping, semi-soft shit into a plastic muffin box. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 134MB, MP4 file. About 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14124 Outdoor Mega Enema Blast (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Runner Girl | A girl tells us that she just have herself an enema to clean out her colon, then expels it in the grass outdoors, along with a piss. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#14097 Long Turd On Tile Floor (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Runner Girl | A woman takes a massive, long shit on a tile floor and pisses into a toilet. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14096 Hose Catch (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Runner Girl | A woman holds a nylon stocking under her ass while taking a suppository-induced shit. Two suppositories and a large, firm turd get caught in the stocking. Vertical format HD video. Over 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#14095 Log Mound (HD) By: smartmeister Series: Runner Girl | A girl takes a massive shit onto a paper plate and pisses into a plastic cup. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14094 Metal Bowl Piss & Floor Shit (HD) By: smartmeister Series: Runner Girl | A girl pisses into a metal dish and shits on the floor. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#12174 Swim Suit Hard Shit By: anonymous Series: Runner Girl | A slender woman wearing only a swimsuit takes a wide, hard, knobby shit while bending over in front of a toilet. Vertical format video. Over a minute.
Viewer Comments (0) | 2 |  |  |  |  |
#12079 Two Public Explosions By: Superman Series: Runner Girl | A slender, athletic woman records herself after having a suppository and taking explosive shits, farting and pissing into a public toilet in 2 scenes, officially ending her constipated condition. Vertical format video. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#11676 Runner Girl Potty Chair By: Colbitch Series: Runner Girl | A slender, athletic girl takes a huge shit while sitting on a potty chair, wipes her ass, then lifts up her load to show to the camera. Vertical format video. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#11675 In The Woods By: Colbitch Series: Runner Girl | A slender, athletic girl pauses her morning jog and takes a soft, heaping shit on the ground. Some pissing, too. Vertical format video. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#11674 Pink Summer Dress (HD) By: Colbitch Series: Runner Girl | A slender, athletic girl takes a soft, heaping shit on the floor of a public restroom. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#11673 Monster Bowl Dump By: Colbitch Series: Runner Girl | A girl records herself taking a soft, heaping shit into a bowl. Vertical format video. About a minute.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#11552 Runner Girl Jeans Shit (HD) By: Colbitch Series: Runner Girl | A girl with a great body takes a shit while wearing tight jeans. She pulls the pants down and shows us her massive load with her bare hands. Presented in 720P vertical HD. 119MB, MP4 file. About 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#11551 Soft Noisy Poop By: Colbitch Series: Runner Girl | A girl gets up in the middle of the night to take a soft, but plentiful shit into a bowl. Slower frame rate, vertical format video. About 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#11550 Runner Girl Toilet Mess (HD) By: badblues Series: Runner Girl | A girl bends over a toilet and takes an explosive, runny shit, making a total mess of the toilet in the process. 720P vertical HD format video. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#11241 Brush My Ass First (HD) By: Anonymous_1 Series: Runner Girl | A slender girl brushes her teeth, then brushes her asshole before taking a massive, coiling shit into a plastic container. She shows the load to the camera, and then picks her poop up with glove-covered hands. 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#11240 Runner Girl Soft Indoor Load (HD) By: Anonymous_1 Series: Runner Girl | A slender girl takes a goopy, runny shit and a piss onto a plastic grocery bag while in a public restroom. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#11239 In A Glass Vase (HD) By: Anonymous_1 Series: Runner Girl | A slender girl takes a runny shit and piss into a glass vase while in a public restroom. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#11238 Runners Diarrhea & Piss (HD) By: Anonymous_1 Series: Runner Girl | A girl takes a break from her morning jog to take an explosive, runny shit and piss on the side of the road. This may have been enema-induced. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#11215 Runner Girl Big Indoor Load (HD) By: mariola Series: Runner Girl | A blonde woman pisses into a commode and takes a massive, heaping shit on the floor of a public restroom. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#10990 Huge Runner Load (HD) By: mariola Series: Runner Girl | A slender girl interrupts her morning jog to take a massive shit on the ground in an outdoor location. The poop is very long and coils beneath her ass like a thick rope. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (4)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#10989 Snow Pile (HD) By: mariola Series: Runner Girl | A slender girl takes a quick break from her morning jog to take a massive shit into the snow in an outdoor location. The poop pile looks like a cow patty on the side of the road. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (4)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#10988 Bread & Butter Chunks (HD) By: mariola Series: Runner Girl | A slender girl takes a huge shit into a glass jar and fills it to the top. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#10987 Metal Bowl Load (HD) By: mariola Series: Runner Girl | A slender girl takes a huge shit into a metal bowl and shows the product to the camera. The poop comes out somewhat firm at the beginning, and then gets progressively softer. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#10627 Pooping On The Run (HD) By: Anonymous_1 Series: Runner Girl | The notorious runner girl records herself taking shits both indoors and outdoors in this compilation of 5 scenes. Nice farts as well. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 450MB, MP4 file. Over 17 minutes.
Viewer Comments (6)      | 18 |  |  |  |  |
#10260 Bathroom Floor Pile (HD) By: skflnnet Series: Runner Girl | A woman takes a semi-soft, massive shit onto her bathroom floor. She takes a brief break to piss into a commode, the resumes pooping and adding more to the growing pile. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#10230 Over The Toilet (HD) By: zloy Series: Runner Girl | A girl bends over a toilet and takes a shit. It starts dribbling out at first, and then she opens wide to pass a huge, long turd with some pissing. 720P HD vertical format video. Over 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9965 Shitting Pot (HD) By: 21012 Series: Runner Girl | The runners poop girl takes a long, soft shit into a cooking pot and shows us the product when finished. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#9766 Massive Floor Shit & Toilet Piss By: Syther Series: Runner Girl | An American girl speaks to the camera and then proceeds to take a massive, soft shit on the floor and a piss into a commode. Nice fart while the poop comes out. Vertical format video. About 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9714 Runners Accident By: chuckyoumuc Series: Runner Girl | A girl sharted in her running tights during her morning jog. She decides to just go ahead and finish the dump in her pants on camera, creating a nice, dark bulge. She pulls down her pants to show off her load. Vertical format video. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#9391 Huge Log Of Shit (HD) By: Superman Series: Runner Girl | A girl shows off her pussy to the camera, takes a massive, long shit into a toilet, and then finishes off with a piss. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (3)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9086 Runners Poop 2 By: Superman Series: Runner Girl | A girl records herself taking a loose, soft shit in one scene, and another huge, coiling megadump in second scene - all during a single morning jog while outdoors. Vertical format video. See movies 9025, 8736, 8786 & 8800 for more. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9025 Runners Poop 1 By: 21012 Series: Runner Girl | A girl records herself taking loose, soft shits, both before her morning jog and during her run while outdoors. Vertical format video. About 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#8800 Coilers By: 21012 Series: Runner Girl | This is a brief, but action-packed video of a girl taking incredibly massive, coiling megadumps on the ground, both indoor and outdoors. Vertical format video. Over a minute.
Viewer Comments (4)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#8786 Double Dooty By: Superman Series: Runner Girl | A girl takes a massive shit on the floor in one scene and then into a metal pot while sitting on a potty chair in a second scene. Vertical format video. See movie# 8736 for more. About 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (8)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8736 Massive Container Shit (HD) By: 21012 Series: Runner Girl | A girl takes a huge, heaping shit into a plastic container and shows off her product for the camera. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 210MB, MP4 file. About 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (3)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
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