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#18514 Out (HD)
By: Dijong
Series: Outdoor
A woman takes a shit in various outdoor locations in 8 different scenes. Some peeing and public exposure shots. Presented in 720P HD. 323MB, MP4 file. Over 10 minutes.

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14A woman takes a shit in various outdoor locations in 8 different scenes. Some peeing and public exposure shots. Presented in 720P HD. 323MB, MP4 file. Over 10 minutes.
#17800 Sammie On The Potty 9 (HD)
By: Morning Wood Lumber Co.
Series: Sammie On The Potty
In this public exposure, outdoor clip. a blonde girl takes a piss and large shit while quoting her own front yard in full view of passing cars. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (1) 
6In this public exposure, outdoor clip. a blonde girl takes a piss and large shit while quoting her own front yard in full view of passing cars. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.
#17796 Neighbors View Catch (HD)
By: taraphil
Series: Natasha Jane
In this public exposure type hand shitting video, a woman, in full view of her front window, takes a shit into her own hand and shows the turd to the camera. Presented in 720P HD. About 4.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
6In this public exposure type hand shitting video, a woman, in full view of her front window, takes a shit into her own hand and shows the turd to the camera. Presented in 720P HD. About 4.5 minutes.
#17101 Devil Sophie 52 (HD)
By: youngstud
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a pretty, blonde, German girl gets out of a car, then squats on the side of the road in full view of other cars passing by while taking a runny shit on the pavement. Presented in 720P HD. About 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7In this public exposure clip, a pretty, blonde, German girl gets out of a car, then squats on the side of the road in full view of other cars passing by while taking a runny shit on the pavement. Presented in 720P HD. About 1.5 minutes.
#17100 Devil Sophie 51 (HD)
By: youngstud
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a pretty, blonde, German girl bends over the side of a halfpipe at a skatepark and takes a firm, long shit that falls a distance beneath her. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.

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7In this public exposure clip, a pretty, blonde, German girl bends over the side of a halfpipe at a skatepark and takes a firm, long shit that falls a distance beneath her. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.
#17099 Devil Sophie 50 (HD)
By: youngstud
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a pretty, blonde, German girl gets out of her car, takes an explosive, wet shit onto the hood (bonnet), then she drives away in her freshly poop-splattered car. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7In this public exposure clip, a pretty, blonde, German girl gets out of her car, takes an explosive, wet shit onto the hood (bonnet), then she drives away in her freshly poop-splattered car. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
#16776 Janet Public Pooping 2 (HD)
By: chuckyoumuc
Series: Melania / Janet
In this public exposure clip, pretty, European girl with red hair and wearing sunglasses takes a massive shit and a piss while bending over and squatting at an outdoor location. Presented in 720P HD. 498MB, MP4 file. About 11.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
10In this public exposure clip,  pretty, European girl with red hair and wearing sunglasses takes a massive shit and a piss while bending over and squatting at an outdoor location. Presented in 720P HD. 498MB, MP4 file. About 11.5 minutes.
#16728 Devil Sophie 49 (HD)
By: youngstud
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a pretty German girl shows her appreciation for American cuisine by shitting and pissing on an outdoor restaurant seat. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.

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7In this public exposure clip, a pretty German girl shows her appreciation for American cuisine by shitting and pissing on an outdoor restaurant seat. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.
#16727 Devil Sophie 48 (HD)
By: youngstud
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a pretty, German girl discreetly pisses and shits on the floor of a public phone booth. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7In this public exposure clip, a pretty, German girl discreetly pisses and shits on the floor of a public phone booth. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
#16726 Devil Sophie 47 (HD)
By: youngstud
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a pretty, German girl discreetly pisses and shits on the seat of a public train without getting caught. Presented in 720P HD. Over 5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
8In this public exposure clip, a pretty, German girl discreetly pisses and shits on the seat of a public train without getting caught. Presented in 720P HD. Over 5 minutes.
#16721 Devil Sophie 42 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and a piss while squatting in a public parking lot. She wipes her ass with her bare hand. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and a piss while squatting in a public parking lot. She wipes her ass with her bare hand. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
#16719 Devil Sophie 40 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and a piss while squatting over the gutter alongside a a public roadway. Presented in 720P HD. About 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and a piss while squatting over the gutter alongside a a public roadway. Presented in 720P HD. About 1.5 minutes.
#16602 Alley Pooper (HD)
By: chuckyoumuc
Series: Security Camera Footage
A security camera records a plump, mature woman trying to discreetly shit in an alleyway. To her horror, a bicyclist passes nearby, but he does not seem to notice. Funny public exposure clip. Presented in 720P HD. Over half a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A security camera records a plump, mature woman trying to discreetly shit in an alleyway. To her horror, a bicyclist passes nearby, but he does not seem to notice. Funny public exposure clip. Presented in 720P HD. Over half a minute.
#16601 Devil Sophie 39 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In the public exposure clip, a pretty, blonde German girl shits and pisses while wearing tight jeans. She pulls down her pants to reveal the filthy load inside as poop spills out all over the street. Presented in 720P HD. 148MB, MP4 file. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7In the public exposure clip, a pretty, blonde German girl shits and pisses while wearing tight jeans. She pulls down her pants to reveal the filthy load inside as poop spills out all over the street. Presented in 720P HD. 148MB, MP4 file. About 2 minutes.
#16504 Devil Sophie 36 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
A blonde, German girl takes a shit and a powerful piss at a bus ticket booth in this public exposure clip. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A blonde, German girl takes a shit and a powerful piss at a bus ticket booth in this public exposure clip. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
#16429 Janet Public Pooping
By: Ced_jones1
Series: Melania / Janet
In this public exposure clip, a European woman wearing a wig, sunglasses, and various hairstyles pisses and shits in her pants or onto the ground in at least 5 different scenes and outdoor locations. 1.02GB, MP4 file. Over 41 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
22In this public exposure clip, a European woman wearing a wig, sunglasses, and various hairstyles pisses and shits in her pants or onto the ground in at least 5 different scenes and outdoor locations. 1.02GB, MP4 file. Over 41 minutes.
#16315 Devil Sophie 31
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl discreetly shits on the ground, then picks up some of her shit and places it into a public drop box. Lower resolution quality video. Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl discreetly shits on the ground, then picks up some of her shit and places it into a public drop box. Lower resolution quality video. Over 2 minutes.
#16314 Devil Sophie 30
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl discreetly takes a shit on the seat of a parked earth mover, then shits some more beside the tractor. Lower resolution quality video. About 3 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl discreetly takes a shit on the seat of a parked earth mover, then shits some more beside the tractor. Lower resolution quality video. About 3 minutes.
#16313 Devil Sophie 29
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and powerful piss while squatting in the middle of a street. Lower resolution quality video. About 2.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and powerful piss while squatting in the middle of a street. Lower resolution quality video. About 2.5 minutes.
#16312 Devil Sophie 28
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a piss and a shit beside a public roadway and beneath a street sign. Lower resolution quality video. Over 2.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a piss and a shit beside a public roadway and beneath a street sign. Lower resolution quality video. Over 2.5 minutes.
#16311 Devil Sophie 27 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a soft, shit down a metal slide at a public park. She later slides down the slide, smearing the shit everywhere on her way down. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a soft, shit down a metal slide at a public park. She later slides down the slide, smearing the shit everywhere on her way down. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
#16310 Devil Sophie 26
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl discreetly takes a shit and a piss while on an escalator at a public store. Lower resolution quality video. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl discreetly takes a shit and a piss while on an escalator at a public store. Lower resolution quality video. Over a minute.
#16309 Devil Sophie 25
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and a piss on the road next to a parked gravel work truck. She picks up her shit with her bare hand. Lower resolution quality video. Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and a piss on the road next to a parked gravel work truck. She picks up her shit with her bare hand. Lower resolution quality video. Over 2 minutes.
#16308 Devil Sophie 24
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and powerful piss while standing in the middle of a street. Lower resolution quality video. Over 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and powerful piss while standing in the middle of a street. Lower resolution quality video. Over 1.5 minutes.
#16307 Devil Sophie 23 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl discreetly takes a shit in a public elevator. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl discreetly takes a shit in a public elevator. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.
#16039 Devil Sophie 21 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and a piss in the middle of a public roadway. There is a butt plug in her ass that comes out before the poop. Brief video. Presented in 720P HD. About half a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
2In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and a piss in the middle of a public roadway. There is a butt plug in her ass that comes out before the poop. Brief video. Presented in 720P HD. About half a minute.
#16034 Devil Sophie 20 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, Devil Sophie trashes another home furnishings store by shitting into a bowl and smearing the turds on a sofa for sale. Some pissing, too. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4In this public exposure clip, Devil Sophie trashes another home furnishings store by shitting into a bowl and smearing the turds on a sofa for sale. Some pissing, too. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
#16033 Devil Sophie 19 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and piss in a parking lot behind a car after an afternoon of grocery shopping. Presented in 720P HD. Over 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl takes a shit and piss in a parking lot behind a car after an afternoon of grocery shopping. Presented in 720P HD. Over 1.5 minutes.
#16031 Devil Sophie 17 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl lies on a sidewalk and takes a shit and powerful piss into the air without being caught. She leaves the mess behind for others to find. Crystal-clear, 720P HD. 299MB, MP4 file. About 2.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
8In this public exposure clip, a blonde, German girl lies on a sidewalk and takes a shit and powerful piss into the air without being caught. She leaves the mess behind for others to find. Crystal-clear, 720P HD. 299MB, MP4 file. About 2.5 minutes.
#15997 Devil Sophie 13 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure video, a plump, pretty, German girl walks through a big box pet supply store, finds a hidden place, and shits on one of the pet beds. Presented in 720P HD. About 5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
7In this public exposure video, a plump, pretty, German girl walks through a big box pet supply store, finds a hidden place, and shits on one of the pet beds. Presented in 720P HD. About 5 minutes.
#15996 Devil Sophie 12 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
Just when we thought this video was in the privacy of her own home, a plump, pretty, German girl shits into a bowl in the bathroom, wipes her ass with a towel, and walks out of an IKEA store. Risky public exposure! 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (4) 
7Just when we thought this video was in the privacy of her own home, a plump, pretty, German girl shits into a bowl in the bathroom, wipes her ass with a towel, and walks out of an IKEA store. Risky public exposure! 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.
#15993 Devil Sophie 9 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure video, a plump, pretty, German girl walks through a parking garage while randomly shitting and pissing on some hapless owners' parked cars. Presented in 720P HD. About 6 minutes.

Viewer Comments (4) 
7In this public exposure video, a plump, pretty, German girl walks through a parking garage while randomly shitting and pissing on some hapless owners
#15992 Devil Sophie 8 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure video, a plump, pretty, German girl discreetly takes a piss and a shit while walking along a public beach. Other people are having fun in the background, oblivious to her activity. Presented in 720P HD. About 3 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
8In this public exposure video, a plump, pretty, German girl discreetly takes a piss and a shit while walking along a public beach. Other people are having fun in the background, oblivious to her activity. Presented in 720P HD. About 3 minutes.
#15990 Devil Sophie 6 (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Devil Sophie
In this public exposure video, a plump, pretty, German girl takes a shit and a piss while on a public train. Presented in 720P HD. About 4.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
7In this public exposure video, a plump, pretty, German girl takes a shit and a piss while on a public train. Presented in 720P HD. About 4.5 minutes.
#15306 Beer Festival Pooping (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Public Exposure
In this voyeuristic video, 2 women are observed taking bathroom breaks during a beer festival. Both girls piss while squatting over the pavement, and one of them takes a large shit. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
4In this voyeuristic video, 2 women are observed taking bathroom breaks during a beer festival. Both girls piss while squatting over the pavement, and one of them takes a large shit. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
#15245 Candie Outdoor Poop (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Candie Cane
We join Candie for another one of her daring, public exposure pooping videos. This time, it is outdoors, and it is a big one. This is the full-length version of a shorter clip once posted here. Presented in 720P HD. 450MB, MP4 file. About 16 minutes.

Viewer Comments (4) 
13We join Candie for another one of her daring, public exposure pooping videos. This time, it is outdoors, and it is a big one. This is the full-length version of a shorter clip once posted here. Presented in 720P HD. 450MB, MP4 file. About 16 minutes.
#14724 Casino Bathroom Experience (HD)
By: 3m0far7s
Series: Candie Cane
A pretty, blonde girl walks into a casino, enters a public restroom, pisses and takes a firm shit onto the bathroom floor. She leaves the mess as a prank. Funny public exposure clip. 720P HD. 526MB, MP4 file. About 24.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
15A pretty, blonde girl walks into a casino, enters a public restroom, pisses and takes a firm shit onto the bathroom floor. She leaves the mess as a prank. Funny public exposure clip. 720P HD. 526MB, MP4 file. About 24.5 minutes.
#14041 Sneaky Stairwell Poop & Prank (HD)
By: runnyiscool
Series: Candie Cane
An attractive girl secretly takes a shit in a hotel stairway, then places her turd on a plate to be picked up by room service as a prank. Poop action is not visible. Funny public exposure clip. 720P HD. 221MB, MP4 file. About 8 minutes.

Viewer Comments (2) 
8An attractive girl secretly takes a shit in a hotel stairway, then places her turd on a plate to be picked up by room service as a prank. Poop action is not visible. Funny public exposure clip. 720P HD. 221MB, MP4 file. About 8 minutes.
#12933 Apartment Hallway (HD)
By: Colbitch
Series: Candie Cane
A blonde girl goes out to her apartment hallway, pisses and shits onto the stairway and risks getting caught. Like a good neighbor, she picks up her turds and places them into a bag. Funny public exposure clip. 720P HD. 252MB, MP4 file. About 9 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
10A blonde girl goes out to her apartment hallway, pisses and shits onto the stairway and risks getting caught. Like a good neighbor, she picks up her turds and places them into a bag. Funny public exposure clip. 720P HD. 252MB, MP4 file. About 9 minutes.
#12907 Urinal Girls (HD)
By: chuckyoumuc
Series: Public Exposure
Two girls use the urinals in a public restroom as confused men walk by. One girl pisses into the urinal, while the other blonde mature woman shits some hard nuggets. See movies 12203 & 12356 for more. Presented in 720P HD. About 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
4Two girls use the urinals in a public restroom as confused men walk by. One girl pisses into the urinal, while the other blonde mature woman shits some hard nuggets. See movies 12203 & 12356 for more. Presented in 720P HD. About 1.5 minutes.
#12356 Shop & Shit (HD)
By: anonymous
Series: Public Exposure
A mature, blonde, German woman takes a piss and shit in front of a grocery store and in full public view. See movie 12203 for more. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
7A mature, blonde, German woman takes a piss and shit in front of a grocery store and in full public view. See movie 12203 for more. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
#12204 Bold Public Pooping
By: Noiver
Series: Public Exposure
A woman takes a shit along a busy city street in broad daylight. People walk by as she is still wiping her ass. About 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
2A woman takes a shit along a busy city street in broad daylight. People walk by as she is still wiping her ass. About 1.5 minutes.
#12203 Piss & Shit In Front Of Couple (HD)
By: Noiver
Series: Public Exposure
A blonde German woman is walking down a public road in a park. She pulls down her pants, takes a power piss and shit at the same moment a couple walks past. Just another normal morning in Germany! Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (2) 
7A blonde German woman is walking down a public road in a park. She pulls down her pants, takes a power piss and shit at the same moment a couple walks past. Just another normal morning in Germany! Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.
#9609 Mexican Security Cam Poop
By: chazzmckrill
Series: Security Camera Footage
Most cute Internet videos try to humanize animals. This one does not. A Mexican woman takes a shit in a public place, recorded by a security camera, and dogs quickly close in on the fresh turd for lunch. Funny public exposure clip.

Viewer Comments (1) 
1Most cute Internet videos try to humanize animals. This one does not. A Mexican woman takes a shit in a public place, recorded by a security camera, and dogs quickly close in on the fresh turd for lunch. Funny public exposure clip.
#8400 Highway Shitting 2 (HD)
By: djeasy187
Series: Public Exposure
A blonde girl wearing a hood takes a shit and a piss on the side of a highway. She finishes right before a car speeds past, almost hitting her. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A blonde girl wearing a hood takes a shit and a piss on the side of a highway. She finishes right before a car speeds past, almost hitting her. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.
#8399 Highway Shitting 1 (HD)
By: djeasy187
Series: Public Exposure
A girl wearing a hood takes a shit and a piss on the side of a busy highway as cars drive by. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
7A girl wearing a hood takes a shit and a piss on the side of a busy highway as cars drive by. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.
#8082 Latina Pit Stop (HD)
By: Txx24
Series: Public Exposure
An attractive Spanish woman gets out of a car on the side of a road to take a quick, but massive shit and a piss. Presented in 720P HD. About 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
7An attractive Spanish woman gets out of a car on the side of a road to take a quick, but massive shit and a piss. Presented in 720P HD. About 1.5 minutes.
#4875 Old Lady Public Dump
By: Kasey Wanker
Series: Public Exposure
An old lady is seen taking a shit on the side of a road in public. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
1An old lady is seen taking a shit on the side of a road in public. About a minute.
#4849 Japanese Public Bench Poop
By: anonymous
Series: Public Exposure
A Japanese woman sits on a bench at a public beach, discreetly takes a shit off the side of the bench, and then wipes her ass. About 3 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A Japanese woman sits on a bench at a public beach, discreetly takes a shit off the side of the bench, and then wipes her ass. About 3 minutes.
#4794 Train Station Piss
By: anonymous
Series: Security Camera Footage
A security camera captures a woman taking a piss while at a train station. She shows no shame in her public exposure. What an example she sets for her son! Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
1A security camera captures a woman taking a piss while at a train station. She shows no shame in her public exposure. What an example she sets for her son! Over 2 minutes.
#4791 Girl Shits At The Concert
By: braz
Series: Public Exposure
An attractive brunette girl shits while sitting on the lawn at a concert while others watch in disbelief. The crazy things women do! About 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
2An attractive brunette girl shits while sitting on the lawn at a concert while others watch in disbelief. The crazy things women do! About 1.5 minutes.
#4640 Only In America
By: grp72654
Series: Public Exposure
A seemingly normal-looking older woman brazenly takes a piss in public while sitting on a park bench in Santa Monica, California. She later discreetly pulls up her pants thinking that nobody can see her. Some shocked tourists secretly record the event.

Viewer Comments (0)
1A seemingly normal-looking older woman brazenly takes a piss in public while sitting on a park bench in Santa Monica, California. She later discreetly pulls up her pants thinking that nobody can see her. Some shocked tourists secretly record the event.
#4468 Cagada Em Manaus
By: grp72654
Series: Public Exposure
In this unbelievable video clip, a nude woman is observed walking along a busy street in a South American city. She stops, bends over, and takes a shit. Poop action is not visible at this distance. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
1In this unbelievable video clip, a nude woman is observed walking along a busy street in a South American city. She stops, bends over, and takes a shit. Poop action is not visible at this distance. About a minute.
#4325 Ghetto Pissin
By: chazzmckrill
Series: Black Girls
A black girl is video-recorded as she pisses out in public behind a trash can. Interesting public exposure clip. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (0)
1A black girl is video-recorded as she pisses out in public behind a trash can. Interesting public exposure clip. About a minute.
#2979 Extreme Public Piss
By: knightowl
Series: Public Exposure
A hilarious video from Europe featuring girls who have absolutely no shame! They piss on the ground right in front of people walking by and stand around naked at crowded bus stops! See how the people react. 616MB, MP4 file. About 1.5 hours.

Viewer Comments (1) 
15A hilarious video from Europe featuring girls who have absolutely no shame! They piss on the ground right in front of people walking by and stand around naked at crowded bus stops! See how the people react. 616MB, MP4 file. About 1.5 hours.
#2707 Wet In Public
By: knightowl
Series: Public Exposure
A brunette girl pees in her miniskirt while standing on a busy public sidewalk with people walking by. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (1) 
1A brunette girl pees in her miniskirt while standing on a busy public sidewalk with people walking by. About a minute.
#2706 Street Peeing 2
By: knightowl
Series: Public Exposure
Several different women pee in six different outdoor scenes and settings. A few scenes are quite daring, as the girls pee in full view of other people or nearby cars driving by. Over 9.5 minutes..

Viewer Comments (0)
7Several different women pee in six different outdoor scenes and settings. A few scenes are quite daring, as the girls pee in full view of other people or nearby cars driving by. Over 9.5 minutes..
#2705 Street Peeing 1
By: knightowl
Series: Public Exposure
An attractive brunette woman pees outside on some concrete steps and then beside a parked car. About 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
2An attractive brunette woman pees outside on some concrete steps and then beside a parked car. About 1.5 minutes.
#2573 Mexican Chick 4
By: knightowl
Series: Public Exposure
A big Mexican girl takes some big chances as she pisses & shits in some daring, public locations. First, she pees in the bushes. Next, she shits & pisses by the railroad tracks. About 2.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
4A big Mexican girl takes some big chances as she pisses & shits in some daring, public locations. First, she pees in the bushes. Next, she shits & pisses by the railroad tracks. About 2.5 minutes.
#2572 Mexican Chick 3
By: knightowl
Series: Public Exposure
A big Mexican girl takes some big chances as she pisses & shits in some daring, public locations. First, she pees in the bushes. Next, she shits in a tree. Lastly, she pees in front of a parked car. About 3 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
4A big Mexican girl takes some big chances as she pisses & shits in some daring, public locations. First, she pees in the bushes. Next, she shits in a tree. Lastly, she pees in front of a parked car. About 3 minutes.
#2571 Mexican Chick 2
By: knightowl
Series: Public Exposure
A big Mexican girl takes some big chances as she pisses & shits in some daring, public locations. First, she pees in the bushes. Next, she shits on the ground. Lastly, she pees on some concrete steps as people walk by and see her! Over 2 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
7A big Mexican girl takes some big chances as she pisses & shits in some daring, public locations. First, she pees in the bushes. Next, she shits on the ground. Lastly, she pees on some concrete steps as people walk by and see her! Over 2 minutes.
#2570 Mexican Chick 1
By: knightowl
Series: Public Exposure
A big Mexican girl takes some big chances as she pisses in some daring, public locations. First, she pees in the bushes. Next, she pees right next to a busy street with cars & motorcycles speeding by! Over 1.5 minutes.

Viewer Comments (0)
2A big Mexican girl takes some big chances as she pisses in some daring, public locations. First, she pees in the bushes. Next, she pees right next to a busy street with cars & motorcycles speeding by! Over 1.5 minutes.
#2561 Trail Pissing
By: jslide1
Series: Public Exposure
An attractive girl desperately has to pee after her bus makes a stop. She finds a hidden place on a pathway behind the trees, but the bus and people are still quiet visible and can probably see her. Notice her long trail of piss flowing back to the bus?

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1An attractive girl desperately has to pee after her bus makes a stop. She finds a hidden place on a pathway behind the trees, but the bus and people are still quiet visible and can probably see her. Notice her long trail of piss flowing back to the bus?
#2516 Highway Outdoor Piss
By: anonymous
Series: Public Exposure
An attractive woman takes a piss on the hillside along a busy highway in Europe.

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4An attractive woman takes a piss on the hillside along a busy highway in Europe.
#2513 Becky Outdoor Piss
By: anonymous
Series: Public Exposure
An older blonde lady desperately finds a hidden place to relieve herself, and then takes a powerful piss. Presented in HD video!

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4An older blonde lady desperately finds a hidden place to relieve herself, and then takes a powerful piss. Presented in HD video!
#2342 Playground Piss
By: scatboy21
Series: Public Exposure
A girl pees while sitting up high on some playground equipment in a schoolyard in this very brief, low resolution video clip.

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2A girl pees while sitting up high on some playground equipment in a schoolyard in this very brief, low resolution video clip.
#2301 Car Window Piss
By: jslide1
Series: Public Exposure
A woman pees out of the car window and makes a mess of the door in the process. Imagine the smell of that piss coming out of the widow slot on hot, sunny day?

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2A woman pees out of the car window and makes a mess of the door in the process. Imagine the smell of that piss coming out of the widow slot on hot, sunny day?
#2300 Public Stairway Piss
By: jslide1
Series: Public Exposure
An attractive brunette girl desperately has to pee. She finds a place on a rusty, old stairwell on the side of some building. After she leaves, you can still see her piss dripping off the stairs - further contributing to the city decay!

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4An attractive brunette girl desperately has to pee. She finds a place on a rusty, old stairwell on the side of some building. After she leaves, you can still see her piss dripping off the stairs - further contributing to the city decay!
#2299 Public Wall Piss
By: jslide1
Series: Public Exposure
An attractive brunette girl pees while leaning against a wall in a public place. You can see the great expression of relief on her face as she pees. About a minute.

Viewer Comments (1) 
1An attractive brunette girl pees while leaning against a wall in a public place. You can see the great expression of relief on her face as she pees. About a minute.
#2221 Public City Pissing
By: ninjastar
Series: Public Exposure
A brief video clip of women peeing on the ground in two scenes. A woman takes a risky piss while in the middle of a busy city street. Another scene features a pretty girl peeing by a graffiti-covered wall.

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2A brief video clip of women peeing on the ground in two scenes. A woman takes a risky piss while in the middle of a busy city street. Another scene features a pretty girl peeing by a graffiti-covered wall.
#2017 Pay Phone Piss
By: George W. Bitch
Series: Public Exposure
An attractive blonde woman is using a pay phone, when all of a sudden she has to pee. She proceeds to take her piss right beside the pay phone and busy street. Peeing only. Over half a minute.

Viewer Comments (1) 
2An attractive blonde woman is using a pay phone, when all of a sudden she has to pee. She proceeds to take her piss right beside the pay phone and busy street. Peeing only. Over half a minute.
#2011 Phone Booth Shit
By: George W. Bitch
Series: Public Exposure
A woman uses a pay phone when all of a sudden, she gets the urge to shit. She proceeds to shit while talking on the pay phone without hesitation. Over 4 minutes.

Viewer Comments (3) 
7A woman uses a pay phone when all of a sudden, she gets the urge to shit. She proceeds to shit while talking on the pay phone without hesitation. Over 4 minutes.
#1915 Shitting In A Park
By: Highlander
Series: Public Exposure
A blonde woman shits on the ground while sitting on a concrete park bench in the presence of her boyfriend. Over 3.5 minutes.

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8A blonde woman shits on the ground while sitting on a concrete park bench in the presence of her boyfriend. Over 3.5 minutes.
#1862 Gas Price Protest
By: JRvagabond
Series: Protests
A girl, dressed up in a sweatsuit to conceal her identity, takes a shit next to a gas pump at a gas station to protest high prices. She is caught by the owner, who makes her clean it up! Nice public exposure clip, but no audio. Over 4 minutes.

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1A girl, dressed up in a sweatsuit to conceal her identity, takes a shit next to a gas pump at a gas station to protest high prices. She is caught by the owner, who makes her clean it up! Nice public exposure clip, but no audio. Over 4 minutes.
#1568 Public Pee & Poop
By: Highlander
Series: Public Exposure
An attractive Japanese girl gets the urge to pee & poop while walking on a city street. She finds a partially-hidden place and relieves herself right there! Over 4 minutes.

Viewer Comments (1) 
7An attractive Japanese girl gets the urge to pee & poop while walking on a city street. She finds a partially-hidden place and relieves herself right there! Over 4 minutes.
#695 On The Stairs
By: markhuse
Series: Public Exposure
A woman shits over the stairs. About a minute.

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2A woman shits over the stairs. About a minute.
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