Title | Description | Cost | Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 |
#18089 P & B Farts By: bigboy99 Series: Babushka | Sisters Babushka and Peteuse fart repeatedly in different positions while sitting next to each other on a sofa. They laugh at one another and have a lot of fun. Farting only. About 7.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#16958 Cute & Pretty 17 By: Guigui 2019 Series: Peteuse | This is an earlier Peteuse video featuring her pooping while sitting on a toilet in 2 different scenes. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#16957 Cute & Pretty 16 By: Guigui 2019 Series: Peteuse | This is an earlier Peteuse video featuring her pooping while sitting on a toilet in 2 different scenes. Over 9 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#16956 Cute & Pretty 15 By: Guigui 2019 Series: Peteuse | This is an earlier Peteuse video featuring her pooping while sitting on a toilet in at least 2 different scenes. About 10 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#16952 Cute & Pretty 14 By: Guigui 2019 Series: Peteuse | This is an earlier Peteuse video featuring her pooping while sitting on a toilet in 2 different scenes. About 10 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#16951 Cute & Pretty 13 By: Guigui 2019 Series: Peteuse | This is an earlier Peteuse video featuring her pooping while sitting on a toilet in 3 different scenes. Over 13 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 13 |  |  |  |  |
#16950 Cute & Pretty 12 By: Guigui 2019 Series: Peteuse | This is an earlier Peteuse video featuring her pooping while sitting on a toilet in 2 different scenes. About 11 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#16000 Farts & Panty Poop (HD) By: you Series: Peteuse | Peteuse farts repeatedly for the camera while lying on her bed. She takes a gassy, explosive shit while sitting on a toilet, then shits in her panties in a final scene after more farting. Presented in 720P HD. 124MB, MP4 file. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#15978 Tiny Man Fart Victim (HD) By: anonymous Series: Peteuse | A girl demeans a tiny, plastic figurine by placing it right next to her asshole while farting repeatedly. Farting only. Presented in 720P HD. 111MB, MP4 file. Over 8.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#14279 Peteuse Side View By: runnyiscool Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes wet, explosive shits with farts in 4 scenes. Diarrhea jets out like piss with some horrific, loud, long farts. No product shown. About 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#14131 Fart Poop & Fart (HD) By: badblues Series: Peteuse | Peteuse farts repeatedly for the camera, then proceeds to the toilet where she takes a shit. She cuts some more farts in a final scene. Presented in 720P HD. Exactly 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#13822 Peteuse Dine & Dump (HD) By: ghnstry2018 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse eats a sandwich and later records herself shitting it out in 3 more scenes. Loose, cracking shit sounds and pissing is heard. Presented in 720P HD. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (3)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#13791 Peteuse Side & Frontal Views (HD) By: runnyiscool Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a runny shit and a piss while sitting on a toilet in 4 different scenes. Great for diarrhea fans. Presented in 720P HD. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (3)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#12731 10 Diarrhea Attacks (HD) By: Ced_jones1 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse records herself taking runny shits while sitting on a toilet in 10 scenes. Lots of great, explosive diarrhea sounds with some pissing. Presented in 720P HD. Exactly 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#12538 Cute & Sexy Shits (HD) By: you Series: Peteuse | In this action-packed video, Peteuse takes a shit onto the floor in 3 different scenes. Presented in 720P HD. About 6.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#12537 Letting It All Out (HD) By: you Series: Peteuse | Peteuse farts repeatedly while sitting on a sofa and a chair in the first few scenes. She heads to the bathroom where she stands over a commode and takes a shit. She shows us the product in the bowl as well. Presented in 720P HD. About 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#11964 From A Distance 2 By: badblues Series: Peteuse | Here are 3 natural EFRO scenes of Peteuse taking a shit sitting on a toilet. Nice, crackling, heavy, solid plops with some pissing and a perspective of her entire face and body in the shots. Over 7.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#11963 From A Distance 1 By: badblues Series: Peteuse | Here are 2 natural EFRO scenes of Peteuse taking a shit sitting on a toilet. Nice, heavy, solid plops and some pissing with a perspective of her entire face and body in the shots. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#11923 Peteuse 4 Diarrhea Scenes 2 (HD) By: beccas Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes explosive, runny shits while sitting on a toilet in 4 different scenes. Nice, wet pooping sounds, but no product is shown. Presented in 720P HD. About 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (3)     | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#11922 Peteuse 4 Diarrhea Scenes 1 (HD) By: beccas Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes explosive, runny shits while sitting on a toilet in 4 different scenes. Nice, wet pooping sounds, but no product is shown. Presented in 720P HD. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#11921 Peteuse 3 Toilet Scenes (HD) By: beccas Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a shit while sitting on a toilet in 3 scenes, from public toilets in Paris to her bowl at home. There is an explosive diarrhea scene, some solid plop scenes, as well as farting and some pissing. Presented in 720P HD. About 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#11897 Thaiarrhea (HD) By: beccas Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes runny shits in her hotel bathroom toilet in Thailand in at least 9 scenes. Lots of nasty pooping sounds can be heard. Presented in 720P HD. Over 8 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 13 |  |  |  |  |
#11896 Bad Diarrhea Days (HD) By: beccas Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes gassy, runny shits while sitting on a toilet in at least 5 scenes. It is apparent that she is not a Trump supporter. Presented in 720P HD. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#11895 Secret Shitter (HD) By: beccas Series: Peteuse | Peteuse is staying at her boyfriends place and waits for him to leave so she can secretly take a shit shitting on a toilet in at least 5 scenes. Lots of poop noises, farts and plops. Presented in 720P HD. Exactly 6.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#11894 Poopworld (HD) By: beccas Series: Peteuse | Peteuse uses a hi-tech, Asian toilet with built in bidet to take a piss and a gassy-sounding, soft shit. She shits in her hotel bathroom in a second scene. Some poop action is visible between the legs. Presented in 720P HD. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#11887 Big Green Load In Hospital (HD) By: Anonymous_1 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse shows us her hospital food and then cuts to the next scene when she shits it all out into the toilet in this dine & dump video. Product shown in detail. Presented in 720P HD. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#11886 Peteuse Plate Pooping By: Anonymous_1 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a soft, heaping shit onto a plate in 2 different scenes. She shows us a closeup of her product each time. About 8.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#11885 Peteuse Between The Legs 2 By: Anonymous_1 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse records herself taking soft shits into a toilet from a between the legs perspective in 2 scenes. She shows us the product in the toilet bowl at the end of each shot. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#11884 Peteuse Between The Legs 1 By: Anonymous_1 Series: Peteuse | Professional pooper, Peteuse records herself taking a soft shit into a toilet from a between the legs perspective. About 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#10657 Hot Chili Poop (HD) By: gg12 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse shows us her chili meal before she eats it in this semi Dine & Dump video. In the next scene, we get to observe her taking a somewhat soft-sounding shit with several nice plops as Peteuse describes her odor. Presented in 720P HD. Over 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)   | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#10371 Lean And Fart (HD) By: you Series: Peteuse | Peteuse leans to the side and farts repeatedly in several scenes around her house. Presented in 720P HD. 127MB, MP4 file. About 9 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#10096 Peteuse Panty Filler 2 (HD) By: you Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a shit in her white panties. Chunks of poop fall out of the sides of her panties and onto the floor. The mess is shown on the floor in detail. Presented in 720P HD. About 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#10043 Sexy Flatulence vs. Peteuse (HD) By: Shuttlesworth Series: Peteuse | Peteuse and the blonde girl from Sexy Flatulence compete ass to ass to blow the best farts. Peteuse starts off by shitting her pants in the process. A whole bunch of stinky fun! 720P HD. About 10.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#9519 Peteuse Piles (HD) By: rcollie Series: Peteuse | Peteuse records herself taking massive megadumps on the floor and into a toilet, showing us her impressive products each time. 3 different scenes. Presented in 720P HD. About 7.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (3)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9303 Peteuse Toilet Plops Apocalypse By: Parmezinho Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a shit while sitting on a toilet in about 8 scenes. No poop action or product actually shown, but nice plopping sounds, gurgling poop, and some farts throughout. 139MB file. About 18 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)     | 13 |  |  |  |  |
#9299 Peteuse Bombs Away By: Parmezinho Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a shit while sitting on a toilet in about 5 scenes. No poop action or product actually shown, but nice plopping and some runny pooping sounds throughout. Over 11 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8656 Peteuse Farty Squirts By: 21012 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes explosive wet shits and a piss while sitting on a toilet in 4 different scenes. She even shows her stained panties. Nice noises, but no product shown. About 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#8553 Peteuse Teddy Bear By: 21012 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse subjects her teddy bear to a barrage of farts as we, the viewers can only wish to trade places with this "lucky" stuffed animal. No fake farts here! About 8 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#8476 Shitting Twice In Jogging Shorts By: 21012 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a soft, massive dump twice in her red jogging shorts, causing shit to overflow from the sides. She removes her shorts and shows us the load and her filthy ass. About 6.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#7913 Babushka 3 Morning Dumps By: arthur ronald Series: Babushka | Babushka, the sister of world-famous fart queen, Peteuse, records herself shitting into a toilet in three scenes. She shows us her product each time, About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#7912 Peteuse Toilet 10 By: arthur ronald Series: Peteuse | This clip features 2 separate scenes of Peteuse pooping noisily into a toilet, but no product or messy stuff shown. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#7911 Peteuse Toilet 9 By: arthur ronald Series: Peteuse | Peteuse records herself shitting into a toilet. Pooping sounds are clearly heard, but no poop or mess shown afterward. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#7421 Big Shit Loads On Vacation (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: Peteuse | The notorious Peteuse records herself shitting into a toilet in 3 different scenes. Poop action is clearly observed, and she shows her product in the toilet. Presented in 720P HD. Over 6 action-packed minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 13 |  |  |  |  |
#6945 Embarrassing Moments By: runnyiscool Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes some wet-sounding shits while sitting on a toilet in at last 4 scenes. She holds them for as long as she can and then poops. She acts embarrassed during the process. Over 8.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6424 Babushka Farts By: Syther Series: Babushka | Babushka farts comically in multiple scenes and gets her entire family involved. Peteuse, her sister makes a couple of appearances, too. No pooping in this video. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6301 Peteuse Toilet 8 By: hamilton92 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse stands over a toilet while taking a massive, long, soft poop that seems to never stop coming out of her ass. Finished product proudly shown in toilet bowl. About 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6300 Peteuse Dance Practice By: hamilton92 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse is in the middle of her dance practice when she gets some cramps and stops to take a shit on the dance floor. It is a massive, heaping shit. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6154 Jeans Mess (HD) By: dewaynogame Series: Peteuse | Peteuse shits while wearing her skin-tight jeans. She pulls them off to show us her dirty ass and the huge, multi-colored load left behind in her pants. Presented in 720P HD quality. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6149 Peteuse Floor Shit (HD) By: sonic111 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a heaping, soft shit on the floor of her kitchen. She lifts her leg to enhance our viewing experience. Finished product shown in great detail. Presented in 720P HD quality. 206MB, MP4 file. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 13 |  |  |  |  |
#6022 Peteuse Panty Filler By: hamilton92 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse shits so much in her in her shorts that the poop pours out of the sides and onto the floor. She removes her shorts and takes off the filled panties, which resemble a small bag loaded with shit. About 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#5871 My Dumps On Camera (HD) By: gbhaase Series: Babushka | An attractive brunette girl, who is the sister of Peteuse, records herself shitting while sitting on a toilet in 4 different scenes. She positions herself in such a way that allows us to see her poop coming out each time! 720P HD. Over 10 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 15 |  |  |  |  |
#5857 Peteuse Toilet 7 (HD) By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a shit into a toilet in 4 different scenes. Great gassy, crackling pooping sounds and plops, but no actual finished product in toilet bowl or poop action shown. Presented in 720P HD quality. Over 8.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#5849 Peteuse Toilet 6 (HD) By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse has the runs and takes explosive, runny dumps into a toilet in 5 different scenes. Great wet poop sounds, but no actual finished product in toilet bowl or poop action shown. Regardless, Peteuse rarely disappoints! Over 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#5793 Peteuse Toilet 5 By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a shit into a toilet while having a hot cup of coffee. Nice plop sounds, but no finished product shown. About 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#5792 Peteuse Toilet 4 By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a shit into a toilet with a red seat. Audible pooping sounds as she comments on her bodily functions and odors. No finished product shown. About 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#5791 Peteuse Toilet 3 By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse reads a magazine while taking a shit sitting on a toilet. Crackling and plop sounds are audible as she pushes and sighs. No finished product shown. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#5790 Peteuse Toilet 2 By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a shit into a toilet in 2 different scenes while on vacation in Buenos Aires. Great plopping and crackling sounds, and a nice side view perspective. She comments on the smell. No finished product shown. Over 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#5789 Peteuse Toilet 1 (HD) By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse takes a shit into a toilet in 2 different scenes while on vacation in Buenos Aires. Great plopping and crackling sounds, and a nice side view perspective. She comments on the smell. No finished product shown. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#5652 Cute & Pretty 11 By: sonic111 Series: Peteuse | An attractive brunette girl takes a shit into a toilet in different positions all in one scene. This girl can fill up a toilet! Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (3)     | 13 |  |  |  |  |
#4638 Toilet Diarrhees (HD) By: Superman Series: Peteuse | Peteuse gets a little nauseous in the morning when she has to take a shit. She describes her stinky farts, and then finally takes an explosive, runny dump into a toilet while standing - making an awful mess. About 6 minutes. Presented in 720P HD video.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#4637 Hospital Diarrhees (HD) By: Superman Series: Peteuse | Peteuse secretly takes a shit in a hospital bathroom in two different scenes. Her shit is very soft and runny. She shows the finished product in detail. Over 4 minutes. Presented in 720P HD video.
Viewer Comments (4)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#4501 Daily Catch 2 By: Anonymous_1 Series: Peteuse | A pretty brunette girl speaks to the camera and records herself shitting into various containers and bags to catch her ridiculously huge turds in multiple scenes. Over 35 minutes. 556MB, MP4 file requires high-speed Internet.
Viewer Comments (3)      | 22 |  |  |  |  |
#4500 Daily Catch 1 By: Anonymous_1 Series: Peteuse | A pretty brunette girl speaks to the camera and records herself shitting into various containers and bags to catch her ridiculously huge turds in multiple scenes. Over 16 minutes. 188MB, MP4 file requires high-speed Internet.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#4499 Seven Days By: Anonymous_1 Series: Peteuse | A pretty brunette girl speaks to the camera and records herself shitting into a toilet during the course of a week. 267MB, MP4 file. About 14 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 13 |  |  |  |  |
#3950 Cute & Pretty Hot Dog By: Noob Saibot Series: Peteuse | Peteuse tries her ass at the culinary arts as she prepares a "ball park classic" hot dog. Great little video, as most of these clips from her usually are!
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#3839 Cute & Pretty Megadump 3 By: Noob Saibot Series: Peteuse | Peteuse continues on with her pooping contest. She describes what she ate the day before, takes a huge, steaming dump into a plastic container, and weighs in her turd at 3.5 pounds!
Viewer Comments (4)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#3838 Cute & Pretty Megadump 2 By: Noob Saibot Series: Peteuse | Peteuse continues on with her pooping contest, which she is apparently winning. This time, she shits into a Ziplock bag, but there is so much shit coming out that it flows over the side of the bag, making a huge mess!
Viewer Comments (3)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#3837 Cute & Pretty Megadump By: Noob Saibot Series: Peteuse | This time, Peteuse shows it all for us! She has entered into a pooping contest with another girl and begins the battle with a half-pound pile of shit - which she weighs to verify her status! Awesome video!
Viewer Comments (6)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#3518 Cute & Pretty 10 By: zombieslamx6 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse shits into a toilet in two different scenes. First, while standing over the toilet, and then while sitting on it. No actual pooping can be seen, but it is heard quite clearly. and it is very nice! Over 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (5)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#3412 Cute & Pretty 9 By: zombieslamx6 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse shits while sitting on a toilet in multiple scenes. Nice plopping and crackling sounds as she speaks to the camera. Very much worth watching and listening to! Over 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (5)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#1352 Cute & Pretty 8 By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse tries a new filming technique as she squats over the toilet to enhance the plopping sounds in two different scenes. Her chubby girlfriend also throws in a couple of fart scenes and a poop scene! 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)    | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#1351 Cute & Pretty 7 By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | Two separate scenes of Peteuse pooping noisily on the toilet. The first scene is when she is vacationing in Mexico and thinks she has the Montezuma Revenge. The second scene is after she returns home, but still shitting terribly! Over 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#1350 Cute & Pretty 6 By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse is filmed by her girlfriend taking a noisy, wet dump on the toilet. Soon, her friend even joins in with a huge fart of her own. A nice, double feature! About a minute.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#1343 Cute & Pretty 5 By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | Peteuse is back with another unforgettable toilet pooping scene. Lots of nice plopping sounds and farts! Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#1342 Cute & Pretty 4 By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | This talkative and adorable brunette (Peteuse) has a painfully runny dump. You can hear her intestines gurgling loudly! About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#1341 Cute & Pretty 3 By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | This talkative and adorable brunette (Peteuse) is back with another pooping scene at 3:30 in the morning. She tells us about what she ate and how her poop smells. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#1269 Cute & Pretty 2 By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | A pretty brunette girl named Peteuse poops while sitting on a toilet in multiple scenes. Absolutely wonderful plopping sounds! She says that she wishes we were there to smell it. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (6)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#1149 Cute & Pretty By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | A cute & pretty girl named Peteuse sits on the toilet and takes a nice poop and even clogs the toilet in the process! Great audio with dozens of plops!
Viewer Comments (3)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#1145 Pretty In Pink By: drummer86 Series: Peteuse | A very pretty girl sits on the toilet and takes a nice poop. Great audio with dozens of plops! About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (7)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
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