A woman shits in 5 scenes in various locations and positions. She does not show her face. This compilation may involve more than one girl. Presented in 720P HD. 116MB, MP4 file. Over 6 minutes.
A woman shits in 4 scenes in various locations and positions. She does not show her face. This compilation may involve more than one girl. Presented in 720P HD. About 4 minutes.
A girl records herself shitting into a toilet in 2 scenes and on the floor and into a bathtub in 2 more scenes. Her poop is very soft to runny in texture. She shows us her product after each shot. Presented in 720P HD. About 4 minutes.
A pretty girl with dark hair shits into a toilet, on the floor, in her panties, and into a glass in at least 13 scenes. Some pissing, too. Presented in 720P HD. 534MB, MP4 file. Over 40 minutes.
This is a nice compilation of pooping scenes featuring the same girl in various settings taking big shits. A nice home-spun video by one of our members. Over 6.5 minutes.