Title | Description | Cost | Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 |
#19290 Honey Bee Corny Poop (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: Fat Girls (Honey Bee) | A fat woman is recorded taking a firm, corny shit while sitting on a toilet. Poop action is clearly seen from the rear. Presented in 720P HD. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#19280 Almost Clogged The Toilet (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: Fat Girls (Samantha) | A naked fat girl takes a shit while sitting on a toilet. She almost clogs the toilet in the process. She shows us her asshole and product in the bowl at the end of the clip. Presented in 720P HD. Over 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#18862 Saffron Burke 3 (HD) By: pwatcher2 Series: Fat Girls (Saffron Burke) | An obese girl wearing glasses sits down on a toilet, reads a book, and takes a shit. She wipes her ass when finished. Presented in 720P HD. Exactly 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#18861 Saffron Burke 2 By: pwatcher2 Series: Fat Girls (Saffron Burke) | An obese girl sits down on a toilet and takes a shit. She wipes her ass when finished. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 6 |  |  |  |  |
#18427 Lady Phoenix (HD) By: Dameon2000 Series: Fat Girls | In this action-packed video, a fat woman shits into a toilet and onto the floor in 5 different scenes. Nice, visible poop action throughout. Presented in 720P HD. About 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#18242 Pudgy Pooper (HD) By: pwatcher2 Series: Fat Girls | A cute, but plump girl records herself shitting while sitting on a toilet. Nice farts, crackling and pooping sounds with some pissing. Product reveal at the end of video. Vertical HD format. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#18200 Ella (HD) By: JRvagabond Series: Fat Girls | A plump woman records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. Poop action can be seen from a rear, side view. She wipes her ass and washes her hands when finished. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#18171 Big Trip To The Bathroom By: anonymous Series: Fat Girls | A morbidly obese woman records herself pissing and taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. Subtle, but audible plops. She wipes her ass when finished. Face and product are not shown. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 6 |  |  |  |  |
#18164 Kinky Jade By: anonymous Series: Fat Girls (GGG) | A fat, brunette girl wearing glasses records herself shitting into a toilet, into a bucket, and in the tub in about 8 scenes. Audible shitting, but any direct views of the poop action have been censored out, unfortunately. Over 16.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)    | 12 |  |  |  |  |
#18135 BBW Period Runs By: jamesnoel Series: Fat Girls | A fat girl on her period takes a runny-sounding shit and a piss while sitting on a toilet. She changes her pad and wipes her ass when finished. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#18123 Large Girl (HD) By: Ring123 Series: Fat Girls | A morbidly obese girl records herself sitting on a toilet and taking a shit. Product reveal at the end of the clip. Presented in 720P HD. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#18066 Big Butt Bendover By: ToiletLover21 Series: Fat Girls | A brunette girl with a plump ass bends over in front of a toilet while taking a massive shit and a piss. Vertical format video. Over a minute.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 6 |  |  |  |  |
#17969 Sexy Mae By: voyeurpornlover Series: Fat Girls | In this action-packed video, a morbidly obese woman records herself shitting into a toilet in 9 scenes. Very soft poops shown in nearly each scene. Vertical format video. 144MB, MP4 file. Over 11.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 20 |  |  |  |  |
#17963 Fat Frontal (HD) By: jamesnoel Series: Fat Girls | A fat girl records herself from a natural frontal position while sitting on a toilet. Pooping, farting and pissing sounds are heard. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#17938 Late Night Bendover By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls | A fat, mature woman takes a semi-soft shit and a piss onto the concrete ground in a parking lot at night. Product reveal at the end of clip. See movie 17882 for more. Vertical format video. About 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 6 |  |  |  |  |
#17882 Carport Shit By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls | A fat, mature woman speaks to the camera and discreetly records herself taking a shit and piss on the concrete floor of her apartment carport. Product reveal at the end of the clip before she wipes. Vertical format video. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 6 |  |  |  |  |
#17877 Ivy BBW (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Ivy (Fat Girls) | A fat blonde girl speaks to the camera while smoking a cigarette. She grunts while trying to shit and takes a piss, but no pooping sounds are heard. It is safe to speculate that this video is peeing only. Presented in 720P HD. Over 7.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 6 |  |  |  |  |
#17876 Sidney 2 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Sidney (Fat Girls) | A plump girl is recorded as she farts, pisses and shits while sitting on a toilet. Interesting facial expressions with subtle crackling and pooping sounds as she describes the size. Presented in 720P HD. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#17875 Sidney 1 By: rayoflight89 Series: Sidney (Fat Girls) | After a big dinner, a plump girl is recorded by her girlfriend as she pisses, farts and shits while sitting on a toilet. Subtle pooping sounds and plops as she describes the size. The camera girl farts as well. Over 9 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#17866 Ruby Sinclaire (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls | A cute fat girl with red hair records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. Pleasant, subtle pooping sounds, and she tells us how good it feels to relieve herself. Nice, natural clip! Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#17863 Madame Du B (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Madame Du B (Fat Girls) | A cute, fat girl with red hair and wearing glasses takes a shit and a piss while sitting on a toilet. Nice pooping sounds in this natural clip. Presented in 720P HD. 248MB, MP4 file. Exactly 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#17814 2 Farts & A Shit (HD) By: 3m0far7s Series: Margo (Fat Girls) | A woman with a big ass is recorded from a rear perspective as she farts and shits into a toilet. It is a soft, but lengthy poop with full product reveal after she wipes her ass. Presented in 720P HD. 218MB, MP4 file. About 17 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#17644 Plumpy 2 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls | A plump, naked woman records herself shitting onto a plastic sheet on the floor in a doggy-style position. She shows off her dirty ass when finished. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Exactly 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 5 |  |  |  |  |
#17643 Plumpy 1 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls | A plump, naked woman records herself shitting onto a plastic sheet on the floor in a doggy-style position. She lifts up the plastic sheet to show us her product. Somewhat grainy video. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 5 |  |  |  |  |
#17476 Jewlie Sparxx 3 By: nusummer15 Series: Fat Girls (Jewlie Sparxx) | A fat girl wearing glasses records herself shitting while sitting on a toilet. It is a hard one. She wipes her ass and shows us the turds in the toilet bowl when finished. Audio is slightly compressed. Over 6.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#17475 Jewlie Sparxx 2 (HD) By: nusummer15 Series: Fat Girls (Jewlie Sparxx) | A fat girl wearing glasses records herself bending over in a front of a toilet while shitting and pissing. Nice, firm shit from a close & nasty perspective. Presented in 720P HD.105MB, MP4 file. About 8 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#17424 Loocy Loo (HD) By: romario-75 Series: Fat Girls | A plump girl sits on a toilet, pisses, farts, and blows her nose. In a second scene, she smokes while sitting on a toilet, pushes, and finally shits with some audible plops after 4:30 into the clip. Presented in 720P HD. 121MB, MP4 file. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#17423 Farrah Constipated (HD) By: romario-75 Series: Fat Girls (Farrah) | A plump, pretty girl with reddish-pink dyed hair sits on a toilet, pisses, then strains with a lot of grunting and sighing. She complains about being constipated. This is a constipation-themed clip with peeing only. Presented in 720P HD. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 5 |  |  |  |  |
#17192 Big Butt BMs By: Bwooper Plap Series: Fat Girls | A plump woman shits into a toilet in 3 scenes from a rear angle. Poop action is not visible, but she shows us her dirty TP and product. Subtle poop sounds with some pissing. See movie 6263 for similar content. Vertical format video. Over 10 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#17012 Fart And A Dump 3 (HD) By: hghggfgf Series: Riley (Fat Girls) | A pretty, plump, blonde girl farts repeatedly for the camera before heading to the bathroom where she she shits while sitting on a toilet. Presented in 720P HD. 142MB, MP4 file. About 10.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#17008 Snack While Unloading By: hghggfgf Series: Fat Girls (Ava Doll) | A plump girl eats a snack while sitting on a toilet and shitting at the same time. Many plops and nice pooping sounds are heard as she snacks. Some pissing, too. This is a different approach to a Dine & Dump video. Over 8 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#16990 Caught! By: hghggfgf Series: Fat Girls (Greta) | A plump girl sits on a toilet, pisses, reads a magazine, and takes a shit with subtle, but audible plops. She catches you in the act of secretly watching her and role plays the dialogue. Exactly 7.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#16768 Huge Rump Dump 2 By: Goukisama Series: Fat Girls (Vivienne Rose) | A big, fat, blonde woman is recorded pissing, farting, and shitting while sitting on a toilet. Audible crackling and plops. She wipes her ass when finished, and product is shown in the toilet bowl as she flushes. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#16569 Kennidy Mohr Fart Compilation By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A fat, American girl farts for the camera in multiple scenes, including some toilet farting. Farting only. 125MB, MP4 file. Over 11 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#16568 Farts & Dirty Socks (HD) By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls (Araleros) | A fat, Italian girl wearing glasses shows us her dirty socks while farting repeatedly in different positions. Farting only. Presented in 720P HD. 148MB, MP4 file. Over 7.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#16565 AVN Explosion (HD) By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A fat woman records herself using a toilet in a public restroom at the AVN convention in Las Vegas. Some pissing and very subtle soft pooping is heard. Presented in 720P HD. About 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)    | 2 |  |  |  |  |
#16530 Plump Girl BTL 11 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl records herself pissing while sitting on a toilet in several scenes, some from between the legs perspective. There are a couple of BTL poop scenes, although one is repeated from a previous clip. Some farting. 720P HD. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)    | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#16529 Plump Girl BTL 10 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl sits down on a toilet, pisses, and records herself taking a soft, gassy shit into a toilet that appears to be the same scene from movie 16527. Product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P HD. Over a minute.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#16528 Plump Girl BTL 9 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump records herself taking a firm shit into a toilet from a between the legs perspective. Presented in 720P HD. Over half a minute.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#16527 Plump Girl BTL 8 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl records herself taking a small chunky shit in one scene, and a soft, gassy shit in a second scene. Poop action is shown from a between the legs perspective. Poop is shown being flushed away. 720P vertical HD format. Over 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#16526 Plump Girl BTL 7 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl sits down on a toilet, pisses, then records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting. Product is shown in the toilet, then flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over a minute.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#16525 Plump Girl BTL 6 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl farts, speaks to the camera, and then records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting into a toilet. Poop action is visible, but a little dark. Product is shown being flushed away. 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#16524 Plump Girl BTL 5 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl farts, tells us she is about to poop, and then records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting into a toilet. Poop action is visible, but a little dark. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#16523 Plump Girl BTL 4 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl tells us that she is constipated and describes the food she ate that day. She proceeds to record herself shitting into a toilet from a between the legs, POV perspective. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Exactly 1 minute.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#16522 Plump Girl BTL 3 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl records herself from a between the legs perspective while taking her morning shit sitting on a toilet. She wipes herself, and the product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#16521 Plump Girl BTL 2 (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl is tired and hung over. She records herself from a between the legs perspective while shitting into a toilet. Product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#16520 Plump Girl Dark (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | This is an incomplete, somewhat dark video that shows a plump girl wiping herself after taking a shit, but the pooping scene was missed. Product is shown being flushed away. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over half a minute.
Viewer Comments (0) | 0 |  |  |  |  |
#16519 Plump Girl BTL Pee (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl records herself pissing while sitting on a toilet from a between the legs, POV perspective. Some farts are heard as well. Peeing only. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About a minute.
Viewer Comments (0) | 2 |  |  |  |  |
#16518 Plump Girl Pee (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl records herself taking a piss while sitting on a toilet in a public restroom. Peeing only. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. About 1.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)   | 2 |  |  |  |  |
#16506 Fat Dump By: Adam Series: Fat Girls | A fat girl squats while taking a decent-sized shit onto a paper towel on her bathroom floor. Vertical format video. About half a minute.
Viewer Comments (0) | 2 |  |  |  |  |
#16416 Huge Arse, Huge Log By: Bwooper Plap Series: Fat Girls | A fat girl takes a piss and a massive shit while sitting on a toilet. Poop action can be seen from the rear. She does not wipe her ass. Vertical format video. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#16415 Bowl Piss Towel Shit By: Bwooper Plap Series: Fat Girls | A fat girl takes a piss into a glass bowl while shitting on the floor at the same time. It is a massive, long, firm turd. Vertical format video. About 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#16170 Mz. Jiggly (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls | A plump girl records herself shitting into a toilet in 2 scenes and farts in 2 more scenes. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. 162MB, MP4 file. Over 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#16157 Fat Ass Babe By: Goukisama Series: Fat Girls | A pretty, dark-haired girl with a big butt spreads her ass cheeks and takes a massive, long, smooth shit into a toilet while standing above it. She wipes her ass and shows us the dirty TP. Vertical format video. Over 1.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (4)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#15962 Sereph 5 (HD) By: pwatcher2 Series: Fat Girls (Sereph) | A fat girl on her period farts, pisses and shits while sitting on a toilet. Very subtle but audible pooping sounds. Presented in 720P HD. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#15915 Plump Girl BTL (HD) By: rayoflight89 Series: Fat Girls (Pooping Queen) | A plump girl is seen sitting on a toilet unpacking a camera tripod. The scene shits to a between the legs perspective of the same girl shitting into a toilet. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#15871 Mop Closet Toilet 4 (HD) By: pwatcher2 Series: Fat Girls (Luna) | A plump girl with dark hair takes a long piss and a soft-sounding shit while sitting on a toilet. She tries to push more out before finally wiping. Presented in 720P HD. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#15870 Mop Closet BTL (HD) By: pwatcher2 Series: Fat Girls (Luna) | This is a close-up, frontal, between the legs view of a girl sitting on a toilet while taking a shit. Some plops and pissing is heard after 1.5 minutes into the clip, and it gets rather runny-sounding. No visible poop action. 720P HD. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#15848 Fat Floor Load (HD) By: Colbitch Series: Fat Girls | A plump girl takes a massive, megadump shit while squatting on the floor. She wipes her ass and shows us her dirty TP when finished. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Over 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#15847 Honey Bee Toilet (HD) By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls (Honey Bee) | A fat, mature woman takes a shit while sitting on a toilet. Although no pooping sounds can be heard, some poop can be seen on her TP when she wipes her ass. Presented in 720P HD. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#15817 Big & Fat 11 By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A morbidly obese woman tests the strength of a wall-mounted, public toilet as she sits down, farts, shits, and finally pisses. All bodily functions are audible. She wipes front and back when finished. Exactly 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#15623 PAWG Toilet Farting (HD) By: jamesnoel Series: Fat Girls | An attractive, fat, blonde woman complains of cramps and farts repeatedly for the camera. She sits down on a toilet, but does not poop. Farting only. See movie 15596 for more. Presented in 720P HD. 183MB, MP4 file. Over 9 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#15596 Pair Of PAWGS (HD) By: jamesnoel Series: Fat Girls | 2 attractive, blonde fat girls speak to one another as they take turns using a toilet in a public restroom. Pissing and repeated farting is heard with some time edits. Peeing only and farting only. Presented in 720P HD. 174MB, MP4 file. Over 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#15594 Honey Bee Bathroom Break (HD) By: jamesnoel Series: Fat Girls (Honey Bee) | A mature, fat woman wearing glasses records herself pissing and shitting while sitting on a toilet in a public restroom. Some subtle pooping sounds. Presented in 720P HD. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#15582 Big & Fat 10 (HD) By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A morbidly obese woman sits down on a toilet and takes a piss and a shit. Several loud, heavy plops are heard. She wipes and shows us her dirty TP. About 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#15581 Big & Fat 9 (HD) By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A morbidly obese woman sits down on a toilet and takes a piss and a shit. A lot of grunting, breathing, and several plops are heard. Presented in 720P HD. About 8.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#15580 Fat, Fast Plops By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A morbidly obese woman is viewed from the side as she takes a shit and piss while sitting on a toilet. She leans forward to lift her ass off of the seat just high enough for us to view some poop action. Audio is very compressed. About 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#15571 Fat Girl Tub Dump (HD) By: chuckyoumuc Series: Fat Girls | A fat, blonde woman takes a semi-soft shit into a bath tub while sitting along the edge. Poop action is visible, and she scoops her poop pile up with her bare hands to show to the camera. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#15565 Bong Chick (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: Fat Girls | In this action-packed clip, a fat girl with tattoos smokes a bong and then takes a shit in 4 different scenes with some pissing. A couple of scenes are in vertical format. Presented in 720P HD. About 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#15522 Average Fat Asses (HD) By: chuckyoumuc Series: Fat Girls | 2 plump, mature women take turns shitting onto a wooden plank, and then each one sits down on the poop pile, making a mess of their fat asses. Presented in 720P HD. 162MB, MP4 file. About 8.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#15484 Cherry Marquise Toilet Shitting 2 (HD) By: chuckyoumuc Series: Cherry Marquise (Fat Girls) | A fat, European girl tells about her growing urge to poop, and then takes a loose-sounding shit and piss while sitting on a toilet. Pooping sounds are loud and almost sound dubbed in. Presented in 720P HD. 113MB, MP4 file. Over 10 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#15479 Bendover Dumps (HD) By: Ced_jones1 Series: Fat Girls | A plump, brunette girl shits while being over for the camera in 8 different scenes. Some pissing. Presented in 720P HD with both widescreen and vertical format shots. Over 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (3)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#15458 Samantha Shower (HD) By: chuckyoumuc Series: Fat Girls (Samantha) | A fat girl presses her boobs against the glass shower door, then pisses and shits with her ass pressed against the glass, showing us the mashed poop coming out. Presented in 720P HD. Over 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#15455 Fat Tiffany (HD) By: chuckyoumuc Series: Fat Girls | A morbidly obese woman speaks to the camera while taking a shit sitting on a toilet. Loud and somewhat annoying grunting, but no audible pooping sounds. She unclogs the toilet with a plunger at the end of the clip. Presented in 720P HD. About 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 2 |  |  |  |  |
#15420 Big & Fat 8 (HD) By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A morbidly obese woman sits down on a toilet and takes a shit and a piss. Grunting and several plops are heard. There is a video flaw at 3:30 minutes into the clip, but does not take away from the actual poop and pee action. 720P HD. About 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#15368 Plump Woman On Toilet By: tdawg3213124 Series: Fat Girls | A plump woman takes a piss and a wet, gassy shit while sitting on a toilet in 3 scenes with 2 more pissing-only scenes. Very loud farts. No product is shown. Over 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#15335 Saffron Burke POV (HD) By: jamesnoel Series: Fat Girls (Saffron Burke) | A fat girl brings us along for a trip to the public restroom, where she pisses, grunts for a while, and tries to take a shit. A couple of very small plops are heard, but nothing big. Presented in 720P HD. 123MB, MP4 file. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 1 |  |  |  |  |
#15288 Taco Hell 2 By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A fat woman takes a slightly gassy, loose shit while sitting on a toilet. Product is shown in the toilet. She tries to push more out in a second scene and complains about the smell. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)    | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#15287 Spray Day (HD) By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A fat woman sits down on a toilet and takes a wet-sounding, loose shit with subtle pooping sounds. She sprays deodorant into the air, farts, and wipes her ass. Some minor video flaws. Presented in 720P HD. About 3.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#15286 Heavy Stuff By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A fat girl sits down on a toilet, pisses, grunts, and takes a shit with very subtle pooping sounds. She wipes when finished. No product is seen. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#15244 Riley Farts By: anonymous Series: Riley (Fat Girls) | A fat, but pretty blonde girl farts repeatedly for the camera in different positions and scenes. Many time edits, but more farts than you can comfortably count. Farting only. About 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 2 |  |  |  |  |
#15195 3 Day Dump (HD) By: Kasey Wanker Series: Fat Girls (Miss Poppy) | A fat woman takes a piss while standing above the toilet seat and providing us a view of the piss action. She quickly sits down and takes a crackling, soft shit. No product is shown. Presented in 720P HD. About 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#15120 Billie Toilet 2 (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: Fat Girls | A plump woman takes a large shit while sitting on a toilet. A camera records the poop action from behind her ass. She wipes, shows us her dirty TP and the product in the toilet bowl. Presented in 720P vertical HD format. Exactly 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)     | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#15077 Monterey Dumps (HD) By: JRvagabond Series: Fat Girls (Greta) | A fat, blonde woman wearing glasses pisses and shits while sitting on a toilet in 2 different scenes. Audible, but subtle pooping sounds with plops. In the first scene, she wipes her ass and shows us the dirty TP and product. About 7.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#14983 Regina Rae (HD) By: pwatcher2 Series: Fat Girls | A plump, blonde girl records herself using a toilet in 5 pissing scenes and 3 shitting scenes. Audible pooping sounds and plops. Some farts, too. Presented in a combination of 720P HD widescreen and vertical format. 154MB, MP4 file. Over 11 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#14973 Candy 63 (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Fat Girls (Candy) | A fat, blonde, German girl takes a piss and a wide, long, firm shit on the floor while kneeling. She shows us the turd log and some chunky pieces of poop on the floor. Presented in 720P HD. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14972 Candy 62 (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Fat Girls (Candy) | A fat, blonde, German girl takes a hard, chunky shit on the floor while being over and spreading her ass cheeks. She shows us her sore, gaping asshole and pieces of poop on the floor. Presented in 720P HD. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14971 Candy 61 (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Fat Girls (Candy) | A fat, blonde, German girl takes a massive shit on the floor from a prone position. A tampon string is seen hanging out of her. Presented in 720P HD. About 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14970 Candy 60 (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Fat Girls (Candy) | A fat, blonde, German girl takes a shit in 4 different scenes in this brief, but action-packed clip. Presented in 720P HD. About 1.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14969 Candy 59 (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Fat Girls (Candy) | A fat, blonde, German girl takes a massive shit and a piss into a dog dish. She wipes her ass, shows us the dirty TP, and a closer view of the product. Presented in 720P HD. About 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14968 Candy 58 (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Fat Girls (Candy) | A fat, blonde, German girl takes a shit in 4 different scenes in this brief, but action-packed clip. Some pissing, too. Presented in 720P HD. About 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14967 Candy 57 (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Fat Girls (Candy) | A fat, blonde, German girl takes a hard, wide, chunky shit on the floor. She wipes her ass and shows us the details of her product. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14911 Betty Bowel Movement By: Ced_jones1 Series: Fat Girls (Aspen) | A fat girl takes a an audible shit while sitting on a toilet with some pissing and farting afterwards. She wipes herself and shows us the product in the toilet. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#14855 Billie Toilet (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: Fat Girls | A fat woman is recorded from a close up, rear position as she takes a shit into a toilet in 2 scenes. In the second scene, the view is somewhat off-center. Product is shown in toilet each time. Presented in 720P HD. 233MB, MP4 file. About 13.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#14828 Kenna Blake (HD) By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A morbidly obese girl takes a piss and a shit while sitting on a toilet in 3 scenes. Poop sounds range from explosive and wet to small plops. She cleans her ass with a built-in bidet device. Presented in 720P HD. 108MB, MP4 file. About 8 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#14826 Fat Side View (HD) By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls | A fat girl records herself taking an explosive. soft shit and a piss while sitting on a toilet. Product is clearly seen when she leans forward to wipe. Unfortunately, audio is terribly compressed. Presented in 720P HD. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 2 |  |  |  |  |
#14825 Mylane 6 By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls (Aspen) | A fat girl with reddish hair pisses in several scenes with ridiculous farts with some soft shitting and plop sounds. Decent audio, but no product is shown. Over 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14824 Mylane 5 By: runnyiscool Series: Fat Girls (Aspen) | A fat girl with blonde hair pisses in a few scenes with some ridiculous farts. Decent audio, but with peeing only and farting only. Over 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#14800 Sidney Sliding Poop (HD) By: jamesnoel Series: Sidney (Fat Girls) | A fat, American girl wearing glasses tells us about her last meal as she farts, shits, and pisses while sitting on a toilet. Audible pooping sounds. Presented in 720P HD. About 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (5)    | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#14799 Period Runs By: jamesnoel Series: Fat Girls | A fat girl with red hair takes a runny shit and a piss while sitting on a toilet. She changes her panty liner and wipes her ass when finished. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)    | 7 |  |  |  |  |
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