Title | Description | Cost | Pic 1 | Pic 2 | Pic 3 | Pic 4 |
#18680 Star By: golangos Series: CGP | A cute and somewhat shy girl with long, brunette hair takes a shit while sitting on a potty char as Dave records. She shows off her slender body and ass hen done. As with many earlier CGP clips, Dave talks a bit too much. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)     | 6 |  |  |  |  |
#16678 Matty (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A pretty Brazilian girl shows off her body while rubbing herself, then takes a soft shit over the side of a sofa and onto the floor. She wipes her ass when done. Presented in 720P HD. 156MB, MP4 file. Over 7.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#16677 Raven Fat Sexy Dump (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A pretty Brazilian girl strips out of her clothes, shows off her body, then shits on the floor. She wipes her ass and poses with the dirty TP. Presented in 720P HD. 122MB, MP4 file. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#16676 Bria (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: CGP | A very pretty girl with short, curly hair takes a firm shit on a plate while Dave records. She wipes her ass and poses with her dirty TP and product. Presented in 720P HD. 118MB, MP4 file. About 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#16675 Paris Plate Poop (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: CGP | A cute, talkative, blonde girl tries to poop while sitting on a toilet but does not succeed. She later successfully shits on a plate while Dave records her. Presented in 720P HD. 101MB, MP4 file. Over 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#16674 Jezabelle (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: CGP | A plump, blonde girl takes hard, chunky shit sitting on a potty chair while Dave records her. Presented in 720P HD. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#16049 Fantasy Motel (HD) By: PELOTUDA Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | This older, but high-quality video features 4 Brazilian girls shitting in 5 scenes, one on the floor, one in a tub, and some into a toilet. Mostly smaller turds. From CGP when they took a trip to Brazil in 2005. 293MB, MP4 file. About 15.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)     | 13 |  |  |  |  |
#13741 Karina (HD) By: Ced_jones1 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | Brazilian girls like to play soccer and poop for guys. This girl demonstrates her talent for both. She takes a shit onto a plate, wipes her ass, and poses with her product. Presented in 720P HD. 126MB, MP4 file. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#13087 Kamryn Poop Stop By: taraphil Series: Kamryn | Kamyrn from CGP stops at a gas station public restroom to take a piss and shit into a toilet. She is filmed from the rear, showing the poop action and product. The person recording the video remains quiet. About 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)    | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#10296 Monroe & Denver By: 21012 Series: Black Girls (CGP) | Two pretty black girls take turns shitting on plates. Each girl helps wipe the ass of the other girl, and they proudly pose with their finished products. Over 9 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#10249 Daisy Kitchen Dump By: 21012 Series: Black Girls (CGP) | Dave records a light-skinned black girl taking a shit on the kitchen floor. She poses next to her pile at the end of the video. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#10169 Ginger On Her Back! By: dragonkhan Series: Ginger (CGP) | An attractive Hispanic girl takes a decent-sized, semi-soft shit on a black plate while on her back. She wipes her ass when finished. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#10064 2 CGP Girls Pooping By: 21012 Series: CGP | A couple of girls record themselves taking large shits into a toilet. Poop action is seen from behind. They wipe their asses and show off the dirty toilet paper and products. Over 13 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#10063 Ruby Farts And A Big Potty Poop (HD) By: 21012 Series: Ruby (CGP) | Ruby from CGP farts and records herself from a between the legs perspective as she takes a massive, semi-soft shit and a piss into a toilet. Presented in 720P HD. 101MB, MP4 file. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#10062 Ruby Nice Turd In An Ornamental Bowl By: 21012 Series: Ruby (CGP) | Ruby from CGP takes a small Hershey Kiss-shaped poop onto an ornamental bowl. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#10061 Sandra Stinky Dump By: 21012 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | An attractive Brazilian girl takes a stinky shit on a green glass plate. She wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP and then poses next to her product. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#10050 Jasmine & Bonny (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | Dave records a blonde girl pissing, then later a more mature woman shitting and pissing onto a plate. Presented in 720P HD. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#10019 Shelby Huge Python Poop By: 21012 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | An attractive Brazilian girl takes a monstrously long shit on the ground. About 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9963 Stinky Promo (HD) By: 21012 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A pretty Brazilian girl is recorded from a between the legs perspective as she takes a chunky shit into a toilet. This may have been enema-induced. She stands up to wipe when finished. Presented in 720P HD. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9867 Ramona Huge Toilet Logs By: 21012 Series: CGP | Dave records a girl eating at a Diedrich Coffee House in San Diego (now out of business) in this dine & dump video. She takes a massive shit, wipes her ass, and poses next to the poop-filled toilet bowl. Over 7.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (9)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#9629 Ramona By: dragonkhan Series: CGP | Dave, while remaining fairly silent, records another pretty girl taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. Action is clearly shown from her rear. She speaks to the camera and describes what she last ate to create the poop. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9535 Sissy (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: CGP | Dave records 2 different girls. The first one is unable to shit, but the second one produces a nice, firm, long turd while sitting on a potty chair. She wipes her ass and poses with the poop when finished. 720P HD. Over 14.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)   | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9534 Summertime By: Bwooper Plap Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | Dave records a pretty Brazilian girl from behind her ass while she takes a shit sitting on a toilet. Poop action is visible as well as finished product, wiping, and dirty toilet paper. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)    | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9293 Dianah Toilet Poop 2 (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | An attractive Brazilian girl takes a nice-sized shit while squatting over a toilet. She wipes her ass and shows us her dirty toilet paper. Clear views are shown of her finished product floating in the bowl. Presented in 720P HD. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#9289 Belinda (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: CGP | Dave records another beautiful girl taking a piss and then a little, tiny shit while sitting on a toilet. She wipes her ass and appears to have more poop on her TP than in the toilet. A good effort, though. Presented in 720P HD. About 10.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#9288 Magazine Pooping (HD) By: Bwooper Plap Series: CGP | A girl is recorded by Dave taking a chunky shit into a toilet while paging through her magazine. Poop is shown dropping into the water below her ass. Presented in 720P HD. Over 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#9287 CGP Jessica By: Bwooper Plap Series: CGP | Dave follows a girl upstairs to her bathroom as she takes a shit and a piss while sitting on a toilet. Poop action is shown up close, as well as her dirty toilet paper and product. About 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9257 Nadiah Nice Natural Dump By: Bwooper Plap Series: Nadiah (CGP) | Dave records Nadia as she takes a shit sitting on a toilet. She wipes her ass and shows us the dirty toilet paper. Product shown in toilet bowl. About 6.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#9256 Eleanor By: Bwooper Plap Series: CGP | In what could have been a perfect poop video featuring a beautiful girl, Dave runs out of power on his camera while the turd plops in the toilet. Video is still worth watching with some pre-poop crackling and later wiping. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#9142 Coco Self-Shoot By: 21012 Series: Black Girls (CGP) | An attractive black girl records herself from a between the legs perspective while taking a shit into a toilet. Dirty toilet paper and finished product also shown. About 6.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#8762 Tess (Sofea) Huge Toilet Dump (HD) By: 21012 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A Brazilian girl (most likely Sofea) takes a huge shit while straddling a toilet backwards. She then turns around to take a piss. Her friend tries to pee into the same, unflushed toilet but appears too grossed out by the smell. 720P HD. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8761 Haley Fat Chunky Model Turd (HD) By: 21012 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A beautiful blonde, Brazilian girl is recorded taking a hard, chunky shit into a toilet. Presented in 720P HD. About 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8760 Iris Huge Bowl Poop (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | A fat girl wearing glasses is recorded by Dave as she takes a big shit into a bowl. She wipes her ass, shows us the dirty TP, and then poses with her product. Presented in 720P HD. Over 6.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8759 Boca (Janelle) Natural Potty Dump (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | This video is an extended HD version of "Janelle" (movie# 4634), which shows additional footage of some between the legs perspectives. Presented in 720P HD. 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  Natural Potty Dump 01.png) |  Natural Potty Dump 02.png) |  Natural Potty Dump 03.png) |  Natural Potty Dump 04.png) |
#8758 Bambi Fat Hard Textured Dump (HD) By: 21012 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A pretty Brazilian girl takes a shit into a plastic container while other pretty girls in the room react to her smell. Video also shows her wiping and flushing down the turd. Presented in 720P HD. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8726 Jolene Natural Potty Poop (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | An attractive brunette girl takes a shit while sitting on a toilet. Product shown, but partially covered with toilet paper. Presented in 720P HD. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)    | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#8725 Heidi Fat Turd (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | An attractive blonde girl takes a nice-sized shit on a plate as Dave records. Product shown in great detail. She poses with her poop when finished. Presented in 720P HD. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8724 Marni By: 21012 Series: CGP | An attractive fat girl is recorded by Dave as she takes a soft, messy shit onto a plate. She spreads her ass cheeks to show the mess and wipes her ass. She poses with the poop when done. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#8723 Demi Poop Boulder (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | An attractive blonde girl takes a small, but hard shit on a plate as Dave records. Product shown in great detail. Presented in 720P HD. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#8722 Lara By: 21012 Series: CGP | An attractive girl takes a big shit on a plate as Dave records. Video is slightly flawed with some wavy lines showing at parts, but action is still clearly shown. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 4 |  |  |  |  |
#8707 Brady Squeezing One Out! (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | A fat girl is recorded by Dave from a between the legs perspective as she squeezes out a small turd. Presented in 720P HD. 113MB. Over 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#8701 Pamela Big Nasty Toilet Turd (HD) By: 21012 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A pretty Brazilian girl is recorded taking a shit sitting on a bidet with a plate inside. She wipes her ass and shows us the dirty toilet paper. Action and finished product on the plate shown in great detail. Presented in 720P HD. Over 6.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8700 Macy Toilet Turds (HD) By: 21012 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A pretty Brazilian girl is recorded taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. She wipes her ass and shows us the dirty toilet paper. Poop action and finished product shown in great detail. Presented in 720P HD. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8699 Presley Nasty Toilet Turd (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | An attractive girl takes a shit sitting on a toilet and talks to the camera. The person recording the action is silent. She wipes her ass and shows us the dirty TP as well as her product in the toilet bowl. Presented in 720P HD. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8698 Denver Reverse Public Self-Shoot By: 21012 Series: Black Girls (CGP) | A pretty black girl records herself farting and then taking a shit while sitting backwards on a toilet. She shows us her dirty TP and product in the toilet bowl. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8697 Shante Public Restroom Pooping (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | One girl films another girl as she visits a public restroom toilet to take a piss and a shit. The girl is on her period, and some blood can be seen when she pisses. She wipes and shows us the dirty TP. Presented in 720P HD. Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8696 Burrito Dine & Dump (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | A girl eats a burrito and then takes a shit while sitting on a toilet while Dave films. She poses with her poop in the toilet bowl. 720P HD. 273MB. About 13.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#8581 Bailey Fat Healthy Dump (HD) By: 21012 Series: Black Girls (CGP) | A pretty black girl takes a decent shit onto a plate while Dave records. Finished product shown in detail afterwards. Presented in 720P HD. 105MB, MP4 file. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#8580 Prestin Toilet Shit (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | A brunette girl takes a hard, chunky shit sitting backwards on a toilet while Dave records. Poop action is visible. Finished product shown in toilet bowl. Presented in 720P HD. 128MB, MP4 file. Over 8.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#8579 Athena On Her Back (HD) By: 21012 Series: CGP | A plump, brunette girl takes a hard, firm, chunky shit into a bowl while Dave records. She poses with her poop when finished. Presented in 720P HD. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#8574 Nadiah Doggy Style (HD) By: 21012 Series: Nadiah (CGP) | In this 2014 video, Nadiah takes a firm shit onto a plate while in a new doggy-style position. Nadiah has gained some considerable weight since her early CGP days, something that our BBW fans will also enjoy! Presented in 720P HD. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#8360 Denver - 5 Dumps By: 21012 Series: Black Girls (CGP) | A attractive black girl takes shits for the camera in at least 5 scenes - in different locations and positions. Over 20.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 13 |  |  |  |  |
#8355 Behind The Scene By: 21012 Series: CGP | One girl video-records another girl while she sits on a toilet backwards taking a hard, firm shit. No words from Dave in the clip! Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#7981 Aspen Nasty Toilet (HD) By: purofetiche Series: CGP | A red head girl is recorded taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. Dirty toilet paper can be seen while she wipes, and finished product is shown. Best of all, Dave does not film anything. 720P HD. About 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (15)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#7298 Salena Natural 2 By: Jblaze843 Series: CGP | An attractive brunette, Hispanic girl is recorded by Dave as she takes a shit while sitting on a toilet She wipes her ass, shows off her dirty toilet paper, and then we are shown her finished product in the toilet bowl. About 2.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#7124 Prestin Outdoors By: drummer86 Series: CGP | A pretty brunette girl takes a shit onto a plate in an outdoor location. She poses with her poop and dumps it. Includes a bonus fart scene. Over 10.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#7057 Grace Natural Potty Poop By: drummer86 Series: CGP | A pretty brunette girl takes a shit in a public restroom toilet in front of her lady friends. It is a nice, floaty poop shown in the toilet afterwards. One of her girlfriends even wipes her ass. Nice video! 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (4)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6972 Salena Natural 1 By: dragonkhan Series: CGP | An attractive brunette, Hispanic girl is recorded by Dave as she takes a shit while sitting on a toilet She wipes her ass, shows off her dirty toilet paper, and then we are shown her finished product in the toilet bowl. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6971 Pauline 2 By: dragonkhan Series: Pauline (CGP) | An attractive brunette girl is recorded by Dave as she takes a shit on a plate while sitting on a potty chair. She wipes her ass, shows off her dirty TP, and then poses with her poop. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)    | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6902 Orange Plateful By: wetstephanie Series: CGP | Sasha, a brunette girl from CGP is recorded taking a shit onto a plate while looking into a mirror. The concept almost works. She wipes her ass repeatedly when finished. Recorded by Dave. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6901 Dookie Sheet By: wetstephanie Series: CGP | Marion from CGP takes a soft shit onto a cookie sheet while sitting on a potty chair. She wipes her ass and shows us the dirty TP. Details of her poop are shown. Recorded by Dave. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6778 Ginger Big Fat Turd By: drummer86 Series: Ginger (CGP) | An Hispanic girl is video-recorded taking a long, firm shit into a bowl and then wiping her ass. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6777 Daisy Outdoor Dump By: drummer86 Series: Black Girls (CGP) | A cute black girl takes a big shit on the ground outdoors in a public place and then wipes her ass. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6760 Pandora Toilet Stall Dump By: drummer86 Series: CGP | A fat girl is recorded taking a shit while sitting on a toilet in a public restroom stall. Poop action is visible, and she shows us her dirty TP after wiping her ass. About 9.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6759 Downtown Dumping Denver By: drummer86 Series: Black Girls (CGP) | An attractive black girl takes a high altitude balcony shit with a nice penthouse view of the city. She poops into a bowl and wipes her ass. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6751 Rayn Blue Poop Plate By: drummer86 Series: Rayn (CGP) | Rayn takes a nice, big, long shit onto a blue plate. She wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP, and then poses with her finished product. About 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6750 Blonde Blue Poop Plate By: drummer86 Series: CGP | A pretty blonde girl takes a chunky shit onto the famous CGP blue plate. She wipes her ass and poses with her poop. About 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6749 Milan Poop Bowl By: drummer86 Series: CGP | A beautiful brunette girl poops into a bowl, wipes her ass, and poses with her bowl of shit. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6704 Minty & Marion By: drummer86 Series: CGP | Two girls, Marion and Minty, an Asian-American, take turns shitting while sitting on a potty chair. Both of their turds are examined in great detail. Over 19 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6703 Ryder Nasty Poop Plate By: drummer86 Series: CGP | A very pretty girl with tattoos takes a nasty, stringy shit onto a blue plate. She wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP, and then poses with her plate of poop. Over 6 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6702 On The Throne By: drummer86 Series: CGP | An attractive brunette girl records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. Action is recorded from between the legs. There are some flaws in the video, but do not affect the good parts. Over 8 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6701 London Poopy Bowl By: drummer86 Series: CGP | A beautiful brunette girl takes a huge, soft shit into a bowl and recorded from a frontal perspective. She wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP, and then poses with the massive mound of poop. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6700 Missy Poo Poo By: drummer86 Series: Missy (CGP) | An attractive Hispanic girl records herself taking a shit on the bathroom floor. She wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP, and then her finished product as she disposes of it. Over 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (3)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6699 Firm Plate Poop By: drummer86 Series: CGP | An attractive brunette girl takes a firm shit onto a blue plate. She wipes her ass, shows us the dirty TP and poses with her poop. Over 9 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)     | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6698 Shilo Blue Plate Dump By: drummer86 Series: Shilo (CGP) | An attractive brunette girl takes a chunky shit onto a blue plate. She wipes her ass, shows us the dirty TP and poses with her poop. About 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)   | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#6653 Tiny Brazilian Poop By: drummer86 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A pretty Brazilian girl takes a tiny poop from the edge of a chair outdoors. About 1.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#6630 Sedona (AKA Monique) By: drummer86 Series: Monique (CGP) | A pretty girl from Europe, known as "Monique" in so many other videos, takes a shit on a plate for Dave in this CGP very special shoot. Over 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6629 Rayn Self Shoot 3 By: drummer86 Series: Rayn (CGP) | Rayn from CGP records herself taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. She seems to be recording herself from the rear. Exactly 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (3)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6628 Rayn & Fern Toilet Shoot By: drummer86 Series: Rayn (CGP) | This video features Rayne of CGP taking a shit while sitting on a toilet. No poop action is visible, but finished product is shown in toilet after she wipes her ass. About 9 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6627 Meadow And Friend By: drummer86 Series: CGP | Meadow and Rayn of CGP take turns shitting onto a plate and into a bowl. They pose with their turds when finished. Over 8 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6626 Meadow Big Turd Self Shoot By: drummer86 Series: CGP | A very pretty brunette girl records herself taking a shit from a between the legs perspective. Very clear with nice farting and plopping sounds! Over 3 minutes.
Viewer Comments (4)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6625 Meadow Big Fat Poop By: drummer86 Series: CGP | A very pretty brunette girl takes a fat, hard, chunky poop onto a plate, and then poses with her shit when finished. About 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#6624 Meadow Monster Poop By: drummer86 Series: CGP | A very pretty brunette girl takes a fat, hard poop into a bowl, wipes her ass, and then poses with her shit when finished. Over 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (6)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6623 Salena By: drummer86 Series: CGP | An attractive Hispanic girl is recorded taking a nice-sized shit into a bowl. She wipes her ass and poses with her turd when finished. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)     | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6622 Nikita & Denver Buddy Dump By: drummer86 Series: CGP | This is a 2-part series combined into one movie as two girls take turns shitting onto plates. They compare their turds when finished. Over 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6621 Nikita Plate Self Shoot By: drummer86 Series: CGP | An Asian-American girl records herself taking a shit onto a plate and then shitting some more on top of the old shit later that day. Over 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6620 Isis By: drummer86 Series: CGP | A pretty, ethnic girl wearing a mask takes a nice, long shit onto the floor after posing for the camera. Over 8.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6619 Minty & Missy (Marion) Public Pooping By: drummer86 Series: CGP | This is a re-released scene from Movie # 4323, "Self Shoots 3", featuring Marion and an Asian girl taking turns shitting into a toilet at a San Diego Starbucks. About 9 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6618 Koedee By: drummer86 Series: Koedee (CGP) | This beautiful girl, who resembles an older Dakota Fanning takes a shit onto a plate then shows us her finished turd.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6617 Denver Megadump By: drummer86 Series: Black Girls (CGP) | An attractive black girl takes a huge, long megadump shit into a bowl while kneeling on the floor. About 5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
#6616 Denver Fat Load By: drummer86 Series: Black Girls (CGP) | An attractive black girl takes a long, firm shit into a bowl while sitting on the edge of a chair. Over 4.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6615 Delilah Shower Poop By: drummer86 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A pretty, Brazilian girl is recorded taking a shit in the shower after bathing. She poses with her shit at the end. About 6.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6614 CGP Blonde Plate Poop By: drummer86 Series: CGP | Dave records an attractive blonde girl taking a shit on a plate but misses most of the action. Wiping and finished product shown. Over 7 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 2 |  |  |  |  |
#6591 Alina Poopy Plate By: drummer86 Series: CGP | An attractive girl is recorded by Dave as she takes a shit on a plate. She wipes her ass and shows us her dirty TP. Turn your volume down because he is talking again. Over 4 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#6558 Brazilian Toilet Poop By: drummer86 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A pretty Brazilian girl is recorded squatting over a toilet and taking a shit. She wipes her, shows us her dirty TP, and the camera zooms in for a more detailed look at her finished product in the toilet bowl. About 7.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6557 Brazilian Ground Poop By: drummer86 Series: Brazilian Girls (CGP) | A pretty Brazilian girl is recorded taking a shit on the cement ground near a pool. She wipes her ass repeatedly, making a mess of her TP. About 2 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 7 |  |  |  |  |
#6556 Demi (HD) By: drummer86 Series: CGP | An attractive girl takes a firm, knobby shit into a bowl. She wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP, and poses with her turd in the bowl. Recorded by Dave. Presented in 720P HD. 110MB, MP4 file. Over 6.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6555 Mature Plate Poop By: drummer86 Series: CGP | An attractive girl with blonde hair takes a nice, big dump onto a plate while kneeling on the edge of chair. She wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP, and poses with her plate of poop. Recorded by Dave. Over 10 minutes.
Viewer Comments (2)      | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6554 Misty Blue Plate Dump By: drummer86 Series: Black Girls (CGP) | An attractive black girl takes a firm shit onto a plate while sitting on a porta-potty chair. Recorded by Dave. About 9 minutes.
Viewer Comments (0) | 8 |  |  |  |  |
#6525 Adryan By: drummer86 Series: Adryan (CGP) | Adrian takes a monstrous, megadump shit onto a plate, wipes her ass, shows us her dirty TP, and poses with her poop. About 5.5 minutes.
Viewer Comments (1)      | 10 |  |  |  |  |
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